YouTube - SYTYCD 7_22_2009_ Melissa and Ade #2 - This Woman
PLease click on link above
This is from So you think you Can Dance, my mom watched this and told me about it and so I thought I would share it with those who are still keeping up on the blog.
Mom said this dance made her cry. The words to the song are "just make it go away". It is about a women who is fighting breast cancer, and her partner her support. This dance is breath taking and so poinent. Mom said to me that when she leap into her partner's arms with no holding back, that was like mom. She had to leap into God's arms and trust that God is not going to leave her hanging but catch her in mid air.
The song is very meaning for mom as well, just make it go away, I remember chatting with mom before her surgery and she just wished that God could by some miracle just make the cancer go away so she did not have to face the treatments.
I hope it works and you enjoy it as we did!!
Alida, Wilma and Family
...But those who hope in the Lord will renew thier strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:31
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Saturday, June 6, 2009
The return of Hair!
Mom is doing very well in the recovery process. She has been keeping herself busy, but today just enjoyed her Saturday by lounging! Mom phoned me today admist my removal of JUNK from my house, just to tell me that it had snowed in Calgary, she said she had to make my day. It did! :) I think it was a good saturday in Calgary to just stay in Bed!
I was wearing shorts and a tank top, and working hard, in the sun! he he he. sorry but I just had to rub it in...
Mom is planning on going back to work for 2 days next week and see how it goes. Mom also has informed me that her hair is starting to return, it is a little thin yet, but it is growing in! I am so proud that she is ready to go back to work, she is my hero, a warrior in faith, and a woman of prayer!
It has been a long journey but we are standing in the light, and the Son feels awesome. I thank Christ For His Love, strength, and I thank him for carrying mom through this really hard time. The day that mom went for Surgery Oma read from the Bible, "Though you walk through fire you will not be burned". Mom with Christ went to battle against Cancer, and the Chemo was horrible, and the idea of cancer sickening, but the support, the encouragement, the prayer kept mom from loosing heart. You will not be burned. The fire is Hot, But God gave mom a fire retardant cloak, and went about snuffing out the fire of Cancer. Keeping Praying Warriors!!
Thanks and God Bless
Alida, Wilma and Family!
I was wearing shorts and a tank top, and working hard, in the sun! he he he. sorry but I just had to rub it in...
Mom is planning on going back to work for 2 days next week and see how it goes. Mom also has informed me that her hair is starting to return, it is a little thin yet, but it is growing in! I am so proud that she is ready to go back to work, she is my hero, a warrior in faith, and a woman of prayer!
It has been a long journey but we are standing in the light, and the Son feels awesome. I thank Christ For His Love, strength, and I thank him for carrying mom through this really hard time. The day that mom went for Surgery Oma read from the Bible, "Though you walk through fire you will not be burned". Mom with Christ went to battle against Cancer, and the Chemo was horrible, and the idea of cancer sickening, but the support, the encouragement, the prayer kept mom from loosing heart. You will not be burned. The fire is Hot, But God gave mom a fire retardant cloak, and went about snuffing out the fire of Cancer. Keeping Praying Warriors!!
Thanks and God Bless
Alida, Wilma and Family!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
On the Mend
Mom is doing really well, although fatigue is still the major problem she has been doing really well. She told me that she did not get accomplished all that she wanted to while on sick leave, but I think she accomplished what she was on sick leave for, what to kick Cancer in the butt!! It is our prayer that mom will continue down this road of recovery and that she will be returned to full health in short order. Mom is hoping to return to work the week of June 8, which is amazing, she will be going back slowly, to see how she handles working. It is our prayer that she does really well.
Oma and mom cleaned out mom's kitchen cupboards, she has been making cards, x-stitching up a storm, and catching up on things that she has not been able to do in a long time.
Praise be to God that the Chemo treatments are done and mom can go on living in the new normal of regular check ups, and just taking good care of herself.
Please continue pray for mom, and the family!
God Bless
Alida, Wilma and Family
Oma and mom cleaned out mom's kitchen cupboards, she has been making cards, x-stitching up a storm, and catching up on things that she has not been able to do in a long time.
Praise be to God that the Chemo treatments are done and mom can go on living in the new normal of regular check ups, and just taking good care of herself.
Please continue pray for mom, and the family!
God Bless
Alida, Wilma and Family
Sunday, May 10, 2009
This Is the Picture Story of Friday!! GOING PINK FOR CANCER!!!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
This Friday May 8th, 2009, Philip Van Hooft, and a friend from school will be dying thier Hair Pink in support of my mom and thousands of other Canadian women battling cancer, and are also fund raising for Breast Cancer Research. If you would like to make a donation to this fun and worthy cause please Contact Wilma by e-mail they will be collecting donations after thier hair is pink as well. I want to ask for support for this cause, because we need to make cancer a part of the past and not a fear of the present or the future. Thanks so much!!
Alida, Wilma, and Family!!
Friday, May 1, 2009
Kermit the Frog!!
I talked to mom last night, and about an hour before I talked to her she was feeling pretty good, but then an hour later, mom was feeling like Kermit the Frog again. Right now she is dependent on the anti nausea medication to take care of the Kermit the frog feeling. Mom is grateful that she has such meds to help alleviate some of those symptoms. Mom has also been given some medication to help aid in sleeping through the night. The next coming weeks will be a challenge for mom to get through but the light at the end of the tunnel is in sight.
The biggest thing will be keeping mom healthy and away from colds and flu's. We all know about the swine(H1N1 Influenza A) flu, but mom is much more likely to catch something else, from some one that did not wash their hands properly. We will continue to pray that such nasty bugs will stay away.
So I know that mom being the nurse that she is would approve on some tips for washing your hands and keeping yourself from getting sick as well.
Remember to wash your hands BEFORE YOU EVER EAT ANYTHING!
1.)Use warm to hot water, it washes away more bacteria
2.) Use SOAP and SCRUB!!
3.)Wash your hands and sing the WHOLE alphabet song before you even start to rinse off your hands, that is about as long as you should be washing.
4. Do not touch the tap with your hands to turn the water off, use a towel or a paper towel or your sleeve. When you turned the tap on, your hands were not clean, if you touch the tap again, they still will not be clean :~(
5.) When leaving the washroom, especially a public one, DO NOT TOUCH THE DOOR HANDLE!!! Use your sleeve or paper towel...There is more bacteria on door handles and taps in a public washroom then most places on earth!
6.) Use Purelle or hand sanitizer if you have it, after you use a public bathroom, or even at home, kill the buggies dead before they get to you and your family!!
Please Help to keep Yourself and people like my mom safe from getting sick. With mom's weakened immune system, a simple cold can be deadly!! Please Keep praying for my mighty mouse. Thanks again so much for the continued support!!
Alida, Wilma and Family
The biggest thing will be keeping mom healthy and away from colds and flu's. We all know about the swine(H1N1 Influenza A) flu, but mom is much more likely to catch something else, from some one that did not wash their hands properly. We will continue to pray that such nasty bugs will stay away.
So I know that mom being the nurse that she is would approve on some tips for washing your hands and keeping yourself from getting sick as well.
Remember to wash your hands BEFORE YOU EVER EAT ANYTHING!
1.)Use warm to hot water, it washes away more bacteria
2.) Use SOAP and SCRUB!!
3.)Wash your hands and sing the WHOLE alphabet song before you even start to rinse off your hands, that is about as long as you should be washing.
4. Do not touch the tap with your hands to turn the water off, use a towel or a paper towel or your sleeve. When you turned the tap on, your hands were not clean, if you touch the tap again, they still will not be clean :~(
5.) When leaving the washroom, especially a public one, DO NOT TOUCH THE DOOR HANDLE!!! Use your sleeve or paper towel...There is more bacteria on door handles and taps in a public washroom then most places on earth!
6.) Use Purelle or hand sanitizer if you have it, after you use a public bathroom, or even at home, kill the buggies dead before they get to you and your family!!
Please Help to keep Yourself and people like my mom safe from getting sick. With mom's weakened immune system, a simple cold can be deadly!! Please Keep praying for my mighty mouse. Thanks again so much for the continued support!!
Alida, Wilma and Family
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Round 4
I know that I have not written on the blog for quite a while, but I do have to say that no news is good news. I have to admit I have forgotten to ask mom about her furnace, but she has not said anything so I hope that it is back to working condition again, seeing as the weather in Calgary is being not so hospitable lately. I won't tell you about our 25-26 degree weather here in the east this past weekend. late.
Today mom had her final round of Chemo therapy. We are celebrating, and we are praying all at the same time. I just got off the phone with mom, and she is not feeling all that well right now...she feela like kermit thee frog.
The chemo treatment went well, mom said that Sandy the intern ministry worker came to see her and that she was grateful for the visit. Also we need to continue to pray for mom's white blood cell count, mom was at 1.2, one point less and they would have had to postpone the treatment; but because it is still very low, mom will not be able to be around to many people, and get exposed to bag buggies. Oma is very happy that Chemo is now done, now comes the recovery part of the journey. Chemo remains working for the next 3-6 weeks after Chemo. Fatigue is still one of the greatest side effects that mom has been feeling, she feels exhausted a lot of the time. At the beginning of mom's treatment, she received a prayer shawl, and after every treatment, mom has felt very cold, and that shawl is one of the first things that she puts on.
After the treatment today mom felt very weak on her legs, and had to walk holding on to Oma's arm to steady herself. This being the 4th round will most likely have more side effects, and the fatigue is going to be kicking in more as well. We need to pray for healing strength and also pray that the chemo would remove and destroy all of any cancer cells that may have been left behind post surgery.
Mom had a lot of mixed emotions about this final round so excited that it is almost over, but not excited at all to go through the coming days as the chemo sets about doing it's job. She will continue with follow ups with her doctors this summer, and after to make sure the cancer stays away.
Tonight Tom and I went for a drive, and went down a road called Harmony road, and it made me what harmony really means, and how God is in control and there is harmony in all that He does. We just don't see the big picture but God has it covered and there is a Harmony, far beyond what we see and know.
It is my prayer that mom finds harmony in her heart with what she has been through, and that she will always know that God has her in his hands, no matter what.
This has been a very challenging journey but God has been with us through out and will be with us on the upside too.
We all thank all those that have helped in any way with mom's journey.
Please continue to lift us all up in prayer.
Alida, Wilma and Family.
Today mom had her final round of Chemo therapy. We are celebrating, and we are praying all at the same time. I just got off the phone with mom, and she is not feeling all that well right now...she feela like kermit thee frog.
The chemo treatment went well, mom said that Sandy the intern ministry worker came to see her and that she was grateful for the visit. Also we need to continue to pray for mom's white blood cell count, mom was at 1.2, one point less and they would have had to postpone the treatment; but because it is still very low, mom will not be able to be around to many people, and get exposed to bag buggies. Oma is very happy that Chemo is now done, now comes the recovery part of the journey. Chemo remains working for the next 3-6 weeks after Chemo. Fatigue is still one of the greatest side effects that mom has been feeling, she feels exhausted a lot of the time. At the beginning of mom's treatment, she received a prayer shawl, and after every treatment, mom has felt very cold, and that shawl is one of the first things that she puts on.
After the treatment today mom felt very weak on her legs, and had to walk holding on to Oma's arm to steady herself. This being the 4th round will most likely have more side effects, and the fatigue is going to be kicking in more as well. We need to pray for healing strength and also pray that the chemo would remove and destroy all of any cancer cells that may have been left behind post surgery.
Mom had a lot of mixed emotions about this final round so excited that it is almost over, but not excited at all to go through the coming days as the chemo sets about doing it's job. She will continue with follow ups with her doctors this summer, and after to make sure the cancer stays away.
Tonight Tom and I went for a drive, and went down a road called Harmony road, and it made me what harmony really means, and how God is in control and there is harmony in all that He does. We just don't see the big picture but God has it covered and there is a Harmony, far beyond what we see and know.
It is my prayer that mom finds harmony in her heart with what she has been through, and that she will always know that God has her in his hands, no matter what.
This has been a very challenging journey but God has been with us through out and will be with us on the upside too.
We all thank all those that have helped in any way with mom's journey.
Please continue to lift us all up in prayer.
Alida, Wilma and Family.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Mom informed me that her furnace as well as her hot water went on the fritz this past week. They have warm water running through the house now, but still no heat. Philip the youngest was boiling water putting it in a bucket and taking it into the bath tub to wash up, and feel some heat. Mom's furnace and Hot water all run together on some fancy system...that is however Horribly failing!! Anyway prayers need to be lifted that this issue would be fixed, pronto!
On other news mom went to the doctor about her sore foot, he thinks that it could be an inflamed pressure point...this coming from the doctor who did not think that mom had cancer. Mom is however going to see a foot doctor on Saturday to get a second opinion!! GOOD PLAN MOM!! Hopefully that this is not a potential infection, but something that can be relieved as it is causing some miserable pain, and mom has a hard time walking on it too! Hopefully they can figure out what the issue really is and fix it!
Also could you please keep Tom and I in prayer as well, we are battling infertility and it is weighing us down with deep sadness and frustration. 4 years and 7 months have left us heart broken, but yet there is some hope, so please pray that our hope will not fail, that God will be the shoulder to cry on, when we feel so alone and that His grace would be sufficient for us.
Continue to Pray for mom as the next couple weeks will lead us up to to the last chemo treatment, hopefully forever! Please pray for Peace and assurance for mom!
Alida, Wilma and Family
On other news mom went to the doctor about her sore foot, he thinks that it could be an inflamed pressure point...this coming from the doctor who did not think that mom had cancer. Mom is however going to see a foot doctor on Saturday to get a second opinion!! GOOD PLAN MOM!! Hopefully that this is not a potential infection, but something that can be relieved as it is causing some miserable pain, and mom has a hard time walking on it too! Hopefully they can figure out what the issue really is and fix it!
Also could you please keep Tom and I in prayer as well, we are battling infertility and it is weighing us down with deep sadness and frustration. 4 years and 7 months have left us heart broken, but yet there is some hope, so please pray that our hope will not fail, that God will be the shoulder to cry on, when we feel so alone and that His grace would be sufficient for us.
Continue to Pray for mom as the next couple weeks will lead us up to to the last chemo treatment, hopefully forever! Please pray for Peace and assurance for mom!
Alida, Wilma and Family
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
The days in between
This past weekend was Easter, we reflected on Christ's suffering and Death, and sang Praise to Him because of His Victory over death and our sin. This weekend although the foundation of our faith, does not end our own sufferings. We still have our longings and our crazy wild emotions. I was talking to mom and she said that she really does not want to go through the last round but knows that she must, she is looking forward to it and not looking forward to it at all; a paradox.
This past weekend for me was a weekend of realizations that we still live in a very broken world, where cancer is a reality and the horrible drugs that save lives are part of this world that we know. I don't like it, who does?
The other day it was late evening here in Ontario, and I was working on the book that I am writing, and I had this over whelming feeling of sadness. I made mention of it to my husband and he asked me what I was going to do about it. So I called my mom to get her thoughts on this feeling. I told her, that I had this feeling and I asked her how she was feeling and she said that she was feeling so sad.
This being good Friday it is an emotional day and like I said it was a weekend of realizations.
What I find amazing is that me and my mom have often had feelings that come over us, about each other and we will call, and something will be in fact wrong, or something is upsetting us.
A few years ago mom was in 2 car crashes 2 days in a row, one entirely destroying the car that she was driving. The night before her crash, I told her that she was not allow to go home, we were staying with family, and I was staying but my mom was returning home. I had this feeling that this may be the last night I have with my mom. I laid awake that entire night, not knowing what the next day would hold. But as I lay there beside her on my mat, I listened to her breathing and begged God to not take my mom away from me. I kept saying "mom you can't go". But she trued reassure me that everything was going to be fine. Later that day the phone rang and I told my aunt that it was mom and she was in the Hospital, she said "don't think like that". Well sure enough it was mom and she was in fact in the Hospital, she and my cousin and other aunt had been in a horrible collision; but HALLELUJAH mom was alive!!
Mom and I have always shared a very close bond, a bond that is blood, but also our relationship with our Heavenly Father. Our Spirits know one God and although we are far apart we still share that special connection, one of grace, love and hope. I know that her struggles over the last few months have often been defeating and very discouraging, but my bond with my mom and my love for my mom and my admiration for her has grown so much.
Mom you are my hero, no matter how many tears you cry or how crappy you feel you are still my hero, my best friend, my counselor, and my mom. One day when mom was again being my counselor mom said these words and lately they have been my hope.
"Who are you going to trust? Your wild and crazy emotion or the God of all creation?"
You are my mother By God's amazing Grace, But you are my friend By choice!! Hang in there!!
Please Pray for the days in between this Round 3 and Round 4, these days are going to be some of the most emotional, fearful, joyful during journey. Mom said to me that her biggest fear of all this is that the cancer will come back and she will have to do this again, that to her at this point seems to much to handle. Please pray for peace and comfort in knowing that she is in God's Hands.
Alida, Wilma and Family
This past weekend for me was a weekend of realizations that we still live in a very broken world, where cancer is a reality and the horrible drugs that save lives are part of this world that we know. I don't like it, who does?
The other day it was late evening here in Ontario, and I was working on the book that I am writing, and I had this over whelming feeling of sadness. I made mention of it to my husband and he asked me what I was going to do about it. So I called my mom to get her thoughts on this feeling. I told her, that I had this feeling and I asked her how she was feeling and she said that she was feeling so sad.
This being good Friday it is an emotional day and like I said it was a weekend of realizations.
What I find amazing is that me and my mom have often had feelings that come over us, about each other and we will call, and something will be in fact wrong, or something is upsetting us.
A few years ago mom was in 2 car crashes 2 days in a row, one entirely destroying the car that she was driving. The night before her crash, I told her that she was not allow to go home, we were staying with family, and I was staying but my mom was returning home. I had this feeling that this may be the last night I have with my mom. I laid awake that entire night, not knowing what the next day would hold. But as I lay there beside her on my mat, I listened to her breathing and begged God to not take my mom away from me. I kept saying "mom you can't go". But she trued reassure me that everything was going to be fine. Later that day the phone rang and I told my aunt that it was mom and she was in the Hospital, she said "don't think like that". Well sure enough it was mom and she was in fact in the Hospital, she and my cousin and other aunt had been in a horrible collision; but HALLELUJAH mom was alive!!
Mom and I have always shared a very close bond, a bond that is blood, but also our relationship with our Heavenly Father. Our Spirits know one God and although we are far apart we still share that special connection, one of grace, love and hope. I know that her struggles over the last few months have often been defeating and very discouraging, but my bond with my mom and my love for my mom and my admiration for her has grown so much.
Mom you are my hero, no matter how many tears you cry or how crappy you feel you are still my hero, my best friend, my counselor, and my mom. One day when mom was again being my counselor mom said these words and lately they have been my hope.
"Who are you going to trust? Your wild and crazy emotion or the God of all creation?"
You are my mother By God's amazing Grace, But you are my friend By choice!! Hang in there!!
Please Pray for the days in between this Round 3 and Round 4, these days are going to be some of the most emotional, fearful, joyful during journey. Mom said to me that her biggest fear of all this is that the cancer will come back and she will have to do this again, that to her at this point seems to much to handle. Please pray for peace and comfort in knowing that she is in God's Hands.
Alida, Wilma and Family
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Day after Chemo 3
Today mom was doing quite well. Yesterday mom did have her 3rd (2nd last) Chemo treatment, it went as well as a chemo treatment goes. However mom's Neutrophil ( white) cell count was alright enough to do the chemo, but they are still on the low side. If the Neutrophil cell count is below the level of one, they can not do chemo, mom's is still only at 1.6, this however was enough to proceed, but she really has to stay away from sick people. Oma said that mom went into the Chemo treatment rosy cheeked and came out white as a sheet. This is just what chemo does, it kills healthy and no so healthy cells alike. Last night mom slept alright, including sleeping at the dinner table the drugs that accompanies the chemo make her really sleepy. She did have to take some medication in the middle of the night for the Kermit the frog feeling, but that was prescribed for her to take that at that time. Oma was up in the middle of night to give her the meds.
Today mom ate breakfast, had hot chocolate, sat curled up in a blanket reading, went for an hour walk with Oma, had some dinner, and was about to do some dinner devotions with Oma and Opa, she was still curled up in a blanket. She often feels quite chilled, and just really really tired! We pray that mom will continue to feel and do alright the next few days as the Chemo really kicks in.
One more treatment to go, 3 weeks to wait for that to happen, but we are hoping that all will go really well the next 3 weeks and then one more round.
Please continue to lift mom, Oma and Opa, and the rest of the family as mom continues this journey, that is nearing hopefully its end.
Please pray for my brothers as they hold down the fort at mom's house for the next few days...hopefully mom will find her house intact :)
Alida, Wilma and Family
Today mom ate breakfast, had hot chocolate, sat curled up in a blanket reading, went for an hour walk with Oma, had some dinner, and was about to do some dinner devotions with Oma and Opa, she was still curled up in a blanket. She often feels quite chilled, and just really really tired! We pray that mom will continue to feel and do alright the next few days as the Chemo really kicks in.
One more treatment to go, 3 weeks to wait for that to happen, but we are hoping that all will go really well the next 3 weeks and then one more round.
Please continue to lift mom, Oma and Opa, and the rest of the family as mom continues this journey, that is nearing hopefully its end.
Please pray for my brothers as they hold down the fort at mom's house for the next few days...hopefully mom will find her house intact :)
Alida, Wilma and Family
Monday, April 6, 2009
Round 3 Tomorrow!
Mom went for blood work today to see if all her blood counts remained where they should and they did in fact stay where they needed to. So good news, counts are good...bad news mom still has to have Chemo. Good news mom has only one more round after this one!! Bad news mom still has one more round of Chemo. Mom also saw the doctor today and has been give a slue of new drugs to combat the effects of the Chemo, one for the acid reflux one for the Kermit the frog feeling and a couple more...mostly to combat the yucky feelings. Her appointment is tomorrow at 2:00pm Calgary time for the 3rd round. Please pray for calm nerves and a true sense of peace for mom tomorrow, also pray for my oma and Opa as they care for mom the few days after Chemo. Please pray for strength for my Oma as well tomorrow as she goes diligently with mom to the Chemo treatments. Oma says it is very hard to watch your child no matter how old they are going through chemo treatments.
As mom is getting nearer to completion of Chemo a little sense of Yahoo ness is coming over me.
I can't wait for it all to be over, I can just imagine how mom is feeling about that too!!
My hope is to come to Calgary for the last round so that we can have a Chemo is done, Mom kicked butt party!! Or at least A BIG OLD HUG anyway!!
Please continue to pray hard!!
Alida, Wilma and Family
As mom is getting nearer to completion of Chemo a little sense of Yahoo ness is coming over me.
I can't wait for it all to be over, I can just imagine how mom is feeling about that too!!
My hope is to come to Calgary for the last round so that we can have a Chemo is done, Mom kicked butt party!! Or at least A BIG OLD HUG anyway!!
Please continue to pray hard!!
Alida, Wilma and Family
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Round 3 this week!
Mom will hopefully be completeing round 3 of chemo this week, I believe that she has blood work tomorrow to make sure white counts are remaining good. Mom has been feeling a little better every day after Chemo, hopefully mom will be able to keep those Chemo Blues and Kermit the Frog days at Bay this round. However round 3 is one of the most difficult in the journey of Chemo, the end is in sight, but the effects of the Chemo potentially can be the worst this round. Please Keep praying hard for mom this round and the three weeks that follow.
Please continue to pray for our family as we have our struggles with mom having to deal with the Chemo, but also other personal struggles that we may be having please pray for peace that passes our understanding, a peace that can only come from our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Again our thanks go out to those who continue to be a huge support to our family and especially my mom! We truly thank you from the bottom of our hearts!! Your prayers have been heard, and we give thanks!
Alida, Wilma and Family
Please continue to pray for our family as we have our struggles with mom having to deal with the Chemo, but also other personal struggles that we may be having please pray for peace that passes our understanding, a peace that can only come from our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Again our thanks go out to those who continue to be a huge support to our family and especially my mom! We truly thank you from the bottom of our hearts!! Your prayers have been heard, and we give thanks!
Alida, Wilma and Family
Monday, March 30, 2009
Walking Forward
Mom, I believe is going for a walk today. This is good news! She has the energy to go for a walk!! At least that was her plan! so I am really hoping that, that is exactly what she did.
Mom has been feeling a little better each day since Chemo and we are hoping this will continue to be the trend! Mom has been doing well over the last few days.
Also, I wanted to lift up my Oma and the Barthel Family up in Prayer. My great uncle Om Hank passed away this past week. My Oma has gone to Holland to be with her family as they mourn a very good, loving man. This is a very hard time for my Oma as she was very close to her younger brother.
Also this week Philip is here for a visit to come and see me. We went to New York State this past weekend to go and see my mom's brother John and his wife Joanne, and their 3 kids, Jeff, Kelsey and Ryan. Kelsey was recently diagnosed with Diabetes, they are under going some major adjustments, please remember them in Prayer as well!
God's Blessings
Alida, Wilma and Family
Mom has been feeling a little better each day since Chemo and we are hoping this will continue to be the trend! Mom has been doing well over the last few days.
Also, I wanted to lift up my Oma and the Barthel Family up in Prayer. My great uncle Om Hank passed away this past week. My Oma has gone to Holland to be with her family as they mourn a very good, loving man. This is a very hard time for my Oma as she was very close to her younger brother.
Also this week Philip is here for a visit to come and see me. We went to New York State this past weekend to go and see my mom's brother John and his wife Joanne, and their 3 kids, Jeff, Kelsey and Ryan. Kelsey was recently diagnosed with Diabetes, they are under going some major adjustments, please remember them in Prayer as well!
God's Blessings
Alida, Wilma and Family
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
One day at a time!
Mom has been doing a little better, she said to me she takes it one day at a time, nothing more. Today mom was doing a little better, still feeling yucky and poisoned, but doing a little better. Mom is still having a hard time eating because she has a really yucky taste in her mouth, and she also has a really hard time with Acid reflux one of the new side effects. This is very uncomfortable and she has pain right up into her throat, please pray that her doctors can give her something to relieve that, this will make eating easier. She also said to me that she can't taste salt very much, so she is adding lots of salt to her food to make it taste good!
I am still amazed that mom can offer her words of encouragement to me when I am having a bad, day when it should be the other way around. I am truly blessed to have such a strong mom! Even when she does not feel it, she is a ray of shining light! She may feel more like Kermit thee Frog!! but that is why we lift her up in prayer!!
This past week, here in Strathroy Ontario I heard on the radio there will be a relay for life happening, this is an all night cancer walk fundraiser. For a long time, I didn't feel the call to do it, but this year it is different, now I have what I call a duty to walk for my mom, my hero. Please pray that I will either be able to get a team together or find a team to join, I may be 3000 km's away but I feel that I have the strength and ability to go and walk all night for my mom and all other people that are battling cancer, have lost the battle with cancer, and for those who have won the battle against cancer. I pray that Cancer will soon be history!!
May God bless you and Keep you!
Alida, Wilma and Family
I am still amazed that mom can offer her words of encouragement to me when I am having a bad, day when it should be the other way around. I am truly blessed to have such a strong mom! Even when she does not feel it, she is a ray of shining light! She may feel more like Kermit thee Frog!! but that is why we lift her up in prayer!!
This past week, here in Strathroy Ontario I heard on the radio there will be a relay for life happening, this is an all night cancer walk fundraiser. For a long time, I didn't feel the call to do it, but this year it is different, now I have what I call a duty to walk for my mom, my hero. Please pray that I will either be able to get a team together or find a team to join, I may be 3000 km's away but I feel that I have the strength and ability to go and walk all night for my mom and all other people that are battling cancer, have lost the battle with cancer, and for those who have won the battle against cancer. I pray that Cancer will soon be history!!
May God bless you and Keep you!
Alida, Wilma and Family
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Feeling discouraged!
Well, I would love to say that things are going just totally awesome, but I would be telling one big fat lie. Things are going alright. This is quite the general term to describe what you don't know how to describe. This week has been really hard, for mom especially. This round of Chemo has made her feel "poisoned" she best described it as that, poisoned. She often feels that just does not know what to do with herself she just feels plain old awful!
This week has been a discouraging week, the Health of Om Hank has not improved, Mom's neice and my cousin Kelsey Debree was diagnosed with Diabete's she is 15 years old, Mr Verveda a friend of oma and Opa Debree passed away this past week, Jesse Lindberg 2nd cousin to mom and Grace Lindberg Aunt to my mom have all had some serious health concerns as well. This is all weighing very heavy on mom. The feeling yucky has not helped the situation and mother nature has provided no relief for the Calgarians either with another dump of snow, some spring time cheer is needed!! Mom was feeling very bombarded with bad news and was feeling quite discouraged. Oma is also feeling some what discouraged and told me she feels like Job must have felt.
I ask that if you read this that you would take a moment right now to lift my mom, my oma and her brothers and all of their spouses and our family in prayer. Please pray for encouragement, courage, hope, and strength. These are tough times, please pray that God would continue to be our strong hold. Please pray that although our family is stretched out across the globe please pray that we would stand united in Christ even in our grief, our pain and our struggles. Please remember those that struggle today, and lift them up in prayer. I wish I could bring better news, but I will bring to you our need for prayer and support, and we know that we are loved.
God Bless,
Love in Christ,
Alida, Wilma and Family
This week has been a discouraging week, the Health of Om Hank has not improved, Mom's neice and my cousin Kelsey Debree was diagnosed with Diabete's she is 15 years old, Mr Verveda a friend of oma and Opa Debree passed away this past week, Jesse Lindberg 2nd cousin to mom and Grace Lindberg Aunt to my mom have all had some serious health concerns as well. This is all weighing very heavy on mom. The feeling yucky has not helped the situation and mother nature has provided no relief for the Calgarians either with another dump of snow, some spring time cheer is needed!! Mom was feeling very bombarded with bad news and was feeling quite discouraged. Oma is also feeling some what discouraged and told me she feels like Job must have felt.
I ask that if you read this that you would take a moment right now to lift my mom, my oma and her brothers and all of their spouses and our family in prayer. Please pray for encouragement, courage, hope, and strength. These are tough times, please pray that God would continue to be our strong hold. Please pray that although our family is stretched out across the globe please pray that we would stand united in Christ even in our grief, our pain and our struggles. Please remember those that struggle today, and lift them up in prayer. I wish I could bring better news, but I will bring to you our need for prayer and support, and we know that we are loved.
God Bless,
Love in Christ,
Alida, Wilma and Family
Friday, March 20, 2009
Chemo Yuck!
Mom had a really yucky day yesterday, she did not vomit or anything, but said that she just did not know what to do with herself, she is staying at Oma's house until things settle a little. Mom was feeling much better today but she said ain't no marathon would she attempt at this point in time.
Chemo is so hard on the body and there is not a cell in the body that is not touched by Chemo therapy, as it courses through your body. It is a ravaging beast inside a syringe. NOT NICE!!
Mom is still my mighty mouse, even when she does not feel any stronger then one. Mom had a really hard time eating anything yesterday and it is better today, but not what it could be if she was feeling fine. Please pray for her and her strength as well as the ability to eat properly as well!
Also please lift up my oma (Ina Debree) in prayer as we got bad news from Holland with regards to her brother who suffered a massive Heart attack. Om Hank Barthel (mom's uncle) is in Hospitial and the doctors found that Om Hank's brain activity is non life sustaining. The family is faced with a heart wrenching decision. This has been very hard on my Oma, as well as the rest of the family as she feels that mom needs her care and she does, so she is staying here in Canada. So please lift her and my opa in prayer as well.
Please pray for my brothers as they are home with mom, that they would not get discouraged with mom having to go through chemo and not being able to do, what she always did. Change is not always easy, please pray for strength and open eyes and hearts to help each other to get through this.
God Bless!
Alida, Wilma and Family
Chemo is so hard on the body and there is not a cell in the body that is not touched by Chemo therapy, as it courses through your body. It is a ravaging beast inside a syringe. NOT NICE!!
Mom is still my mighty mouse, even when she does not feel any stronger then one. Mom had a really hard time eating anything yesterday and it is better today, but not what it could be if she was feeling fine. Please pray for her and her strength as well as the ability to eat properly as well!
Also please lift up my oma (Ina Debree) in prayer as we got bad news from Holland with regards to her brother who suffered a massive Heart attack. Om Hank Barthel (mom's uncle) is in Hospitial and the doctors found that Om Hank's brain activity is non life sustaining. The family is faced with a heart wrenching decision. This has been very hard on my Oma, as well as the rest of the family as she feels that mom needs her care and she does, so she is staying here in Canada. So please lift her and my opa in prayer as well.
Please pray for my brothers as they are home with mom, that they would not get discouraged with mom having to go through chemo and not being able to do, what she always did. Change is not always easy, please pray for strength and open eyes and hearts to help each other to get through this.
God Bless!
Alida, Wilma and Family
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Chemo 2
Yesterday mom had round 2 of 4 rounds of Chemo. During Chemo mom had food to eat and tea to drink and was feeling fine, and did not feel green!! Then she was home around 6:30pm to Oma's house, then she had Nasi Goergan (that is not spelt right) She said that she ate a little to much of that and was feeling a little green, but did not throw up!
Today mom is feeling really tired, more so then the last Chemo treatment that she had. She has not much energy, and feels quite groggy. Oma was there this morning just to be company and to be mom. Mom said that it went well as chemo can go.
She is one tough chicky and will always be my mighty mouse!!
Please pray that the green feeling stays away, she really does not need to be Kermit the frog, no one likes that feeling. Please also pray that other side effects will not take affect!!
Continue to pray for our families and our friends!
Alida, Wilma and the family
Today mom is feeling really tired, more so then the last Chemo treatment that she had. She has not much energy, and feels quite groggy. Oma was there this morning just to be company and to be mom. Mom said that it went well as chemo can go.
She is one tough chicky and will always be my mighty mouse!!
Please pray that the green feeling stays away, she really does not need to be Kermit the frog, no one likes that feeling. Please also pray that other side effects will not take affect!!
Continue to pray for our families and our friends!
Alida, Wilma and the family
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Round 2
Today mom is going for Round 2 of Chemo, she is not looking forward to it, but knows that it must be done. Mom has been doing fairly well, she has in fact gained some wieght!! HALEULIAH!! Man, I am still wishing that I could say that when I gain some weight!! Please pray that the side effects that were present during round 1 would not be present!!
Mouth sores
Dry mouth
feeling yucky
neutrophil Cell count drop
I was also informed by my oma (wilma's mom) that her brother Hank Barthel in Holland suffered a massive heart attack and is in acoma.
This is yet another stress on the family, please pray for my oma and family as we wait for more news. Please continue to pray for mom and all that she must deal with. Please pray the rest of our family as well, that we would remain strong for mom, and the coming days of dealing with round 2.
May God richly bless you this week!!
With Love in Christ,
Alida, Wilma and family!!
Mouth sores
Dry mouth
feeling yucky
neutrophil Cell count drop
I was also informed by my oma (wilma's mom) that her brother Hank Barthel in Holland suffered a massive heart attack and is in acoma.
This is yet another stress on the family, please pray for my oma and family as we wait for more news. Please continue to pray for mom and all that she must deal with. Please pray the rest of our family as well, that we would remain strong for mom, and the coming days of dealing with round 2.
May God richly bless you this week!!
With Love in Christ,
Alida, Wilma and family!!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Home Body!
I was talking to mom yesterday and Mom and I were preparing supper from different ends of Canada but I asked mom what she was making and she said ribs. I asked her if she was trying some new reciepes and she said that she was, she said that she had not had the time to crack out the old cook books to make new things for a while. She is becoming a home body again, she also said that she has been baking...this is a fairly new thing for mom, well not new just revamped!!
She is enjoying being at home, and doing things that she loves to do, like bake and cook. Aaron said he is really enjoying getting lunch made by mom, it had been a few years. Mom seems to be in good spirits and I and my family are glad to see that. Mom said she still has her moments of sadness and frustration. She also says that she is still quite self concious about her wig, she says she feels like everyone is looking at her still, maybe its because I look so good that they are looking, or maybe its because I may as well jump up and down and say Yes I am wearing a wig!
Anyone that I have talked to that has seen her wig says that if you did not know, you would not know. Aaron says at home mom likes to wear her touque, because it keeps her head warmer!
But things seem to be alright dispite that Chemo has been postponed, it is still a little disheartening but we will get through it. May God bless you all!!
Alida, Wilma and Family!
She is enjoying being at home, and doing things that she loves to do, like bake and cook. Aaron said he is really enjoying getting lunch made by mom, it had been a few years. Mom seems to be in good spirits and I and my family are glad to see that. Mom said she still has her moments of sadness and frustration. She also says that she is still quite self concious about her wig, she says she feels like everyone is looking at her still, maybe its because I look so good that they are looking, or maybe its because I may as well jump up and down and say Yes I am wearing a wig!
Anyone that I have talked to that has seen her wig says that if you did not know, you would not know. Aaron says at home mom likes to wear her touque, because it keeps her head warmer!
But things seem to be alright dispite that Chemo has been postponed, it is still a little disheartening but we will get through it. May God bless you all!!
Alida, Wilma and Family!
Mom's pictures at the New due party!
Monday, March 9, 2009
Chemo Update!
Well, I am back from my holidays somewhat rested and now I must get back to the blogging.
I talked to mom today, she had gone to the hositpal for some blood work, for she was suppose to have her next chemo treatment tomorrow, that however will not be happening. Apon recieving the blood work they found that her neutrophil cells which are a white blood cell, and are part of the immune system are to low to proceed with the next treatment. They are half what they should be, this will delay the next treatment till at least next week tuesday at the very earliest, when mom will again have to go for more blood work. Mom was quite disheartened by this delay. Mom's mouth sores are also on the mend, so keep praying. Mom also has lost wieght, this is not a good thing, she has lost about 6 pounds in 3 weeks that is alot for mom's small frame. Please pray that she will gain some weight. Fattening Foods are a must for her...or at least food with the most calories!! How many of us, wish that the doctor would tell us that!!
Mom also is getting used the idea of not having much for hair, although mom did say there are some benefits..."no hairy arm pits". There are good and bad to all things!
Mom is struggling at times with lack of energy and is truly grateful to all that are helping out...
Thanks to Phil from Phil and Tanya, for his wonderful vacuuming skills!! The house was spotless of dust monsters, that were lurking under chairs and tables!! Mom greatly appreciates all the help she can get. Please pray for our family as we may struggle with seeing and knowing that mom is having to deal with Chemo, this is a scary time, and although we are one tight knit bunch of yahoo's we still have our moments of fear, anger and frusteration. It is hard knowing that my mom has to go through this and there is nothing that I can do, but pray to take her pain away.
I love to hear my mom laugh, because then I know that she is still doing ok. Please if you have funny movies for mom to watch or things to make her laugh please send them, Laughter is a huge factor is faster healing! She has not asked for them, but as her daughter I want to know that she is laughing as much as she can. Granted mom must continue with the course of treatments it just may make the road a little easier to handle.
Please continue to pray for mom, that her mouth sores continue to heal as well as any other possible infections. Also pray that mom gains wieght and feels like eating. Also please pray that her neutrophil cell count would also rise so she can continue with treatments and get them done and over with.
With Love in Christ,
Alida, Mom and the Family!
I talked to mom today, she had gone to the hositpal for some blood work, for she was suppose to have her next chemo treatment tomorrow, that however will not be happening. Apon recieving the blood work they found that her neutrophil cells which are a white blood cell, and are part of the immune system are to low to proceed with the next treatment. They are half what they should be, this will delay the next treatment till at least next week tuesday at the very earliest, when mom will again have to go for more blood work. Mom was quite disheartened by this delay. Mom's mouth sores are also on the mend, so keep praying. Mom also has lost wieght, this is not a good thing, she has lost about 6 pounds in 3 weeks that is alot for mom's small frame. Please pray that she will gain some weight. Fattening Foods are a must for her...or at least food with the most calories!! How many of us, wish that the doctor would tell us that!!
Mom also is getting used the idea of not having much for hair, although mom did say there are some benefits..."no hairy arm pits". There are good and bad to all things!
Mom is struggling at times with lack of energy and is truly grateful to all that are helping out...
Thanks to Phil from Phil and Tanya, for his wonderful vacuuming skills!! The house was spotless of dust monsters, that were lurking under chairs and tables!! Mom greatly appreciates all the help she can get. Please pray for our family as we may struggle with seeing and knowing that mom is having to deal with Chemo, this is a scary time, and although we are one tight knit bunch of yahoo's we still have our moments of fear, anger and frusteration. It is hard knowing that my mom has to go through this and there is nothing that I can do, but pray to take her pain away.
I love to hear my mom laugh, because then I know that she is still doing ok. Please if you have funny movies for mom to watch or things to make her laugh please send them, Laughter is a huge factor is faster healing! She has not asked for them, but as her daughter I want to know that she is laughing as much as she can. Granted mom must continue with the course of treatments it just may make the road a little easier to handle.
Please continue to pray for mom, that her mouth sores continue to heal as well as any other possible infections. Also pray that mom gains wieght and feels like eating. Also please pray that her neutrophil cell count would also rise so she can continue with treatments and get them done and over with.
With Love in Christ,
Alida, Mom and the Family!
Mom's "New due" party
This was written by Dorothy, but I thought that this would be good to put in the blog. Thank you to all the ladies and my oma and Aunkie Mique for being there for mom. I still have not seen any pictures of my mom, and will post them as soon as I have some from the party.
Thanks again Dorothy for keeping up with the prayer chain!! You all have been so amazing for my mom and I know that God is walking with us!! God Bless!
Dear Friends
I just got back from Wilma’s “New Look Debut”. We were around 8 or so and we filled the room so our numbers were perfect. Wilma’s mom, Ina, and sister (Monique drove in from Edmonton to be a part of this experience) were also part of our little group so that was really special. Francine Wilson prayed over Wilma and then Colleen, the stylist, turned Wilma to face us with her back to the mirror, so she wouldn’t see her hair coming off. The prayer was very beautiful and meaningful and we were all touched. Then as Wilma’s hair was coming off, that too was kind of a big thing. Even though we were visiting and enjoying each other’s company, there was some deep emotion accompanying that moment. Our hearts were again touched and Monique and Ina (Wilma’s mom) just hugged and cried together, so touching but so needed as their love for her just overflows. As Wilma’s hair came off there was a huge mound on the floor (honestly, I think half that girl’s weight is in hair!!!!). She was absolutely adorable with the buzzed look!!!, really just adorable!!! Then Colleen, the stylist, put on Wilma’s wig and shaped it to suit Wilma’s face shape and all. Again Wilma looked absolutely beautiful!!! The wig is perfect for her!!Truthfully, hair or no hair, with her cute face and bright smile she will light up any room! Wilma continued to be the brave thing that she is and we laughed and talked together.After her session was done, we opened up some sparkling champagne- like fruit juice and toasted Wilma and the moment, then enjoyed some snacks as well (thanks to those who were able to bring something….it was just the right amount, with some left over for Wilma to take home!). Since we couldn’t all be there I thought you might appreciate knowing a bit about the experience. It was a moment where God was with us, where we could meet some new friends and family, where Wilma was being held up and honoured, and where we could just show our dear Wilma that she is valued. I know all of you were there in spirit. On my way home I felt overwhelmed with joy that God has given us this opportunity to be His people and that Wilma is a part of our life.Thank you for your continued prayers for Wilma. The beauty and dignity that flowed from her today is evidence that she is leaning on our Lord for her strength and He is there with her, loving her, holding her. As she continues to experience this walk let’s keep praying!
Thank you all!!
Thanks again Dorothy for keeping up with the prayer chain!! You all have been so amazing for my mom and I know that God is walking with us!! God Bless!
Dear Friends
I just got back from Wilma’s “New Look Debut”. We were around 8 or so and we filled the room so our numbers were perfect. Wilma’s mom, Ina, and sister (Monique drove in from Edmonton to be a part of this experience) were also part of our little group so that was really special. Francine Wilson prayed over Wilma and then Colleen, the stylist, turned Wilma to face us with her back to the mirror, so she wouldn’t see her hair coming off. The prayer was very beautiful and meaningful and we were all touched. Then as Wilma’s hair was coming off, that too was kind of a big thing. Even though we were visiting and enjoying each other’s company, there was some deep emotion accompanying that moment. Our hearts were again touched and Monique and Ina (Wilma’s mom) just hugged and cried together, so touching but so needed as their love for her just overflows. As Wilma’s hair came off there was a huge mound on the floor (honestly, I think half that girl’s weight is in hair!!!!). She was absolutely adorable with the buzzed look!!!, really just adorable!!! Then Colleen, the stylist, put on Wilma’s wig and shaped it to suit Wilma’s face shape and all. Again Wilma looked absolutely beautiful!!! The wig is perfect for her!!Truthfully, hair or no hair, with her cute face and bright smile she will light up any room! Wilma continued to be the brave thing that she is and we laughed and talked together.After her session was done, we opened up some sparkling champagne- like fruit juice and toasted Wilma and the moment, then enjoyed some snacks as well (thanks to those who were able to bring something….it was just the right amount, with some left over for Wilma to take home!). Since we couldn’t all be there I thought you might appreciate knowing a bit about the experience. It was a moment where God was with us, where we could meet some new friends and family, where Wilma was being held up and honoured, and where we could just show our dear Wilma that she is valued. I know all of you were there in spirit. On my way home I felt overwhelmed with joy that God has given us this opportunity to be His people and that Wilma is a part of our life.Thank you for your continued prayers for Wilma. The beauty and dignity that flowed from her today is evidence that she is leaning on our Lord for her strength and He is there with her, loving her, holding her. As she continues to experience this walk let’s keep praying!
Thank you all!!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Chemo therapy process
Mom continues to do very well, although is feeling more and more of the side effects from chemo.
Mom also has developed mouth sores, these are very painful, and make eating and enjoying food more difficult.
Tomorrow mom will be having her shaving her head party, she has noticed that her hair is beginning to fall out very easily so it is time. She is doing her best to stay active, and keep on going.
Please lift mom up in prayer that the mouth sores will be easily healed. Please pray for strength as mom looses her hair, and has to face the next round of Chemo.
God Bless!
Alida, Mom and the Family
Mom also has developed mouth sores, these are very painful, and make eating and enjoying food more difficult.
Tomorrow mom will be having her shaving her head party, she has noticed that her hair is beginning to fall out very easily so it is time. She is doing her best to stay active, and keep on going.
Please lift mom up in prayer that the mouth sores will be easily healed. Please pray for strength as mom looses her hair, and has to face the next round of Chemo.
God Bless!
Alida, Mom and the Family
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
well mom is nearly a week after her first treatment, things are going well. She is still having moments of feeling yucky but over all she is doing really well. She is however finding that food is beginning to tast very dry. My husband's grandpa when he was on Chemo said that his food tasted like sawdust. I don't think mom is feeling that much yet, but she really enjoy's smooth creamy icecream. She is also having to put sauce on a lot of things, just because they taste really dry. Mom is also trying to gain some wieght rather than loose it, so she may have all the icecream she wants!! Thats what I say anyway. Mom has been going for walks with Fran( her friend) and went to Canmore with her mom for some what else....icecream! Mom is also eating protien powder to keep the Calories up, and her body in good condition during the Chemo. She is finding that at then end of the day she is exhusted and really needs to go to bed. I personally. am impressed how she is doing. So with out further ado I will continue to ask for your prayers for mom and if you could please pray about the things on mom's prayer list, as found below.
I will not be blogging to much next week as I will be on holidays with my husband but please give mom a call if you would like to know how she is doing. Again a reminder that mom is having her head shaving party next week as well, if you would like to know more please phone mom or E-mail Dorothy e-mail found on side of blog. Please take care and continue your support for mom, and also remember the thousands of other women much like mom, that are fighting breast cancer.
God Bless
I will not be blogging to much next week as I will be on holidays with my husband but please give mom a call if you would like to know how she is doing. Again a reminder that mom is having her head shaving party next week as well, if you would like to know more please phone mom or E-mail Dorothy e-mail found on side of blog. Please take care and continue your support for mom, and also remember the thousands of other women much like mom, that are fighting breast cancer.
God Bless
Friday, February 20, 2009
Chemo Therapy
Mom has started her Chemo Therapy and it seems to be going alright. Mom says that she does not think that she could run a marathon, but I hope no one is expecting her too...:)
She has however had moments of Nausea, but the medication prescribed is certianly very much a helpful tool for mom. Oma(her mom) has been there to help clean up paper and make Tomato soup, and she also has been mom too...It has been a while since Oma sent her daughter to bed, but she did the other day. Mom however needed the nap. Mom is learning where her boundries are for how much she can do, on Chemo rather quickly, and mom is taking the naps where they are needed and doing things to keep her busy as well. Mom said to me that she has moments where she would just rather not be the patient, and says it is very different being the patient verses being the nurse. I can say that she is taking it in stride though. This has been a very difficult journey, and it will continue to be, this is certianly testing communication skills, and our faith. I personally pray for all the things on mom's list, but I also pray a daughter's prayer. That our bond of blood and the relationship built on love will help carry us through, and so that we can grow even more close as the seasons of life change. A few months before mom started Chemo, I was telling friends just how important my mom was to me, this is certianly reaffirming that for me.
My mom is a treasure to me, a woman of strength, a child of God, and my mom, my best friend. I want to look at my mom and not see someone who is going through chemo Therapy, but a tower of God's strength and testiment. Every moment we have with those we love is a treasure, a true gift from God. May God richly bless you this day, with the love of those around you, and may you never take them forgranted!

Alida and mom and the Family.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Prayer Requests from Wilma VanHooft
Mom wanted to have some of her prayer requests put on the blog so I have copy and pasted this list for mom. Today mom began her treatment, and recieved a few drugs today, as well as Chemo treatments. She was feeling pretty tired and "drugged up", Oma was taking good care of her. It has been a tough day for me, I have been feeling the 3000km distance and it has been very hard, many a tear was shed today, wishing that I could just split into two halfs! Here is mom's requests!
Prayer Request from Wilma VanHooft
Don’t be anxious about anything but in everything by prayer petition:
In thanksgiving bring all your request to God.
So I am thankful (in no particular order):
-That each believer has been given all of the fruits of the spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, and self control.
-that each believer has the armor of God, the helmet of salvation, breastplate of righteousness; the sword as the spirit, the word of God, the shield of faith, the feet of truth.
-for all those who have been so willing to pray and help in so many ways.
-that I have received such incredible healing from the surgery.
-for my 3 children who I know without a doubt love me.
-for the medical team who are treating the cancer.
-for all my friends, for my family who have expressed how much they love and care for me, in many different ways.
-That God loves me more than I’ll ever know and He wants me to ask him for whatever I need.
Therefore along with me please pray:
Pray that -I would continue to be able to press into all of the comfort and promises of God at all times no matter how I feel.
Pray that -when I feel overwhelmed that I know He created everything and hold everything in His hands and promises to help me in the decisions to make.
-When I feel sad, that I know He is the great comforter and knows and understands like no other.
-when I feel angry He can handle it and will gladly take it from me when I am willing to hand it over to him.
-when I feel sick He can heal.
-when I feel like laughing he’s laughing along with me.
Pray that -the chemotherapy will kill all of the cancer cells that may be still in my body.
-pray for rapid repair of all the cells in my body damaged by the chemotherapy.
-pray that any fatigue would be easily managed so that I have enough energy to eat well and keep physically active to be able to exercise daily, even if it is just a short walk (exercise helps reduce side effects of chemo significantly).
-pray that I don’t lose any weight.
-pray that I can cope well with all the changes to how I look during the chemo treatments.
-pray that any fears or reservations I may have to ask for help, would be replaced with thankfulness that so many want to help and all I need to do is ask.
-pray that I would be protected from infections as the chemo affects my immunity.
-pray that I would pace myself and give myself the grace that I will probably not accomplish as much as maybe even a fraction of what I would love to do.
-pray that any problems with mouth sores would be healed quickly as this can be very painful and affect how well I can eat.
-pray that I don’t struggle with nausea and vomiting as I do get nauseated very easily.
-pray that I will remember all the tips and suggestions I have learned from the classes I have attended to help manage with the side effects of chemotherapy.
-pray that I may be able to sleep well during the night.
-pray that my memory and ability to concentrate would not be affected by the chemotherapy or all the other anxieties, and stresses, that can contribute to not being able to keep things straight in my mind.
-pray for my children: Alida & Tom (son-in-law), Aaron, Philip, Mom (Ina), Dad (Neil), Monique (sister) and her family, Eric (brother) and his family, John (brother) and his family.
-pray for each other that no one would be discouraged or feel despair because I have cancer or someone else they know has cancer or feel afraid to say or do the wrong thing.
-pray that all of us remember that in God grace, love, forgiveness, and care abound beyond measure.
Don’t be anxious about anything but in everything by prayer petition:
In thanksgiving bring all your request to God.
So I am thankful (in no particular order):
-That each believer has been given all of the fruits of the spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, and self control.
-that each believer has the armor of God, the helmet of salvation, breastplate of righteousness; the sword as the spirit, the word of God, the shield of faith, the feet of truth.
-for all those who have been so willing to pray and help in so many ways.
-that I have received such incredible healing from the surgery.
-for my 3 children who I know without a doubt love me.
-for the medical team who are treating the cancer.
-for all my friends, for my family who have expressed how much they love and care for me, in many different ways.
-That God loves me more than I’ll ever know and He wants me to ask him for whatever I need.
Therefore along with me please pray:
Pray that -I would continue to be able to press into all of the comfort and promises of God at all times no matter how I feel.
Pray that -when I feel overwhelmed that I know He created everything and hold everything in His hands and promises to help me in the decisions to make.
-When I feel sad, that I know He is the great comforter and knows and understands like no other.
-when I feel angry He can handle it and will gladly take it from me when I am willing to hand it over to him.
-when I feel sick He can heal.
-when I feel like laughing he’s laughing along with me.
Pray that -the chemotherapy will kill all of the cancer cells that may be still in my body.
-pray for rapid repair of all the cells in my body damaged by the chemotherapy.
-pray that any fatigue would be easily managed so that I have enough energy to eat well and keep physically active to be able to exercise daily, even if it is just a short walk (exercise helps reduce side effects of chemo significantly).
-pray that I don’t lose any weight.
-pray that I can cope well with all the changes to how I look during the chemo treatments.
-pray that any fears or reservations I may have to ask for help, would be replaced with thankfulness that so many want to help and all I need to do is ask.
-pray that I would be protected from infections as the chemo affects my immunity.
-pray that I would pace myself and give myself the grace that I will probably not accomplish as much as maybe even a fraction of what I would love to do.
-pray that any problems with mouth sores would be healed quickly as this can be very painful and affect how well I can eat.
-pray that I don’t struggle with nausea and vomiting as I do get nauseated very easily.
-pray that I will remember all the tips and suggestions I have learned from the classes I have attended to help manage with the side effects of chemotherapy.
-pray that I may be able to sleep well during the night.
-pray that my memory and ability to concentrate would not be affected by the chemotherapy or all the other anxieties, and stresses, that can contribute to not being able to keep things straight in my mind.
-pray for my children: Alida & Tom (son-in-law), Aaron, Philip, Mom (Ina), Dad (Neil), Monique (sister) and her family, Eric (brother) and his family, John (brother) and his family.
-pray for each other that no one would be discouraged or feel despair because I have cancer or someone else they know has cancer or feel afraid to say or do the wrong thing.
-pray that all of us remember that in God grace, love, forgiveness, and care abound beyond measure.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Getting things done...
So mom will start her Chemo this coming wednesday. In the mean time mom had to get some things done, before. Including going to the dentist. Mom went to the Dentist this week and found out that she had mulitiple fillings that needed to be redone, and she had a tooth that was really bothering her. She had an appointment at 10am, she at that point got all of her top teeth cleaned and fixed. Then she had to come back at 4pm to get the bottom one's filled, and cleaned. Once that was done, she was exhusted! Too much dentistry for one day, but better to have it done now, then later in case of infection while on Chemo therapy.
Mom this week got a wig, she says it looks much like her own hair and is glad that she has that available for her. She also is having a small shaving her head party on March 6th to have her head shaved, as she will be loosing her hair. She has decided to shave her head before all of her hair falls off.
This weekend mom is headed off the Kingsfold retreat center with a few wonderful ladies, she is very much looking forward to that. She also asks for prayer on handling the first round of Chemo therapy and that she will be feeling alright following it. Please pray for strength as this is a very scary time, chemo is so hard on the body and not one cell in the body is not touched by it.
This time is hard on mom, and the family and we all need the strength to be strength for mom as well.
God has been with us during this journey, and we know that he will continue to be with us.
Keep On Prayin!!!
Mom and the kids
Mom this week got a wig, she says it looks much like her own hair and is glad that she has that available for her. She also is having a small shaving her head party on March 6th to have her head shaved, as she will be loosing her hair. She has decided to shave her head before all of her hair falls off.
This weekend mom is headed off the Kingsfold retreat center with a few wonderful ladies, she is very much looking forward to that. She also asks for prayer on handling the first round of Chemo therapy and that she will be feeling alright following it. Please pray for strength as this is a very scary time, chemo is so hard on the body and not one cell in the body is not touched by it.
This time is hard on mom, and the family and we all need the strength to be strength for mom as well.
God has been with us during this journey, and we know that he will continue to be with us.
Keep On Prayin!!!
Mom and the kids
Saturday, February 7, 2009
I talked to my mom today and here is the latest update from her. I have not been as regular at blogging as Chemo Treatments are still pending. When mom begins treatment I will be blogging more again. Mom wanted me to let everyone know that she is having blood work and meeting with the doctors on Feb 17th. Feb 18th mom will begin her Chemo Therapy treatment, this is a one day thing, and then 3 weeks off, this will occur 4 times. Bringing Mom's treatments to end of April or so. Last week mom was extremely busy with doctors appointments, and a heart scan, as well as a dentist visit, this weekend mom is in Fort Saskatchewan with her sister Monique and family for a little r&r. Next weekend mom's brother John Debree is coming in From Webster New york to visit her, she is also go to the Kingsfold retreat center to prepare for the chemo treatments, mentally, spiritually and physically.
My brother Aaron has been home with mom, at night, and it makes me feel better that he is there. Mom has been really mulling through all the preparing that goes on in a person's heart, and soul while knowing that Chemo therapy is on it's way. She has had her share of bad days and good one's too. It is a scary road ahead, and the question "why me?" comes to mind, and anger, frustration, but so does faith, family, friends. Please continue to lift mom and our family in prayer, the journey continues and we need your support all the more right now.
I have learned that distance is a challenge when you realize the helplessness that you can offer physically. But I know that mom is in good hands and I know that she is support and not alone. Please pray for strength, endurance and trust. Mom will soon have a list of specific things that she would like to be prayed for, I will continue to keep that updated.
As spring gets closer, may our faith in our God become all the more stronger as we face uncertainty.
God Bless,
Mom and the kids
My brother Aaron has been home with mom, at night, and it makes me feel better that he is there. Mom has been really mulling through all the preparing that goes on in a person's heart, and soul while knowing that Chemo therapy is on it's way. She has had her share of bad days and good one's too. It is a scary road ahead, and the question "why me?" comes to mind, and anger, frustration, but so does faith, family, friends. Please continue to lift mom and our family in prayer, the journey continues and we need your support all the more right now.
I have learned that distance is a challenge when you realize the helplessness that you can offer physically. But I know that mom is in good hands and I know that she is support and not alone. Please pray for strength, endurance and trust. Mom will soon have a list of specific things that she would like to be prayed for, I will continue to keep that updated.
As spring gets closer, may our faith in our God become all the more stronger as we face uncertainty.
God Bless,
Mom and the kids
Friday, January 30, 2009
Chemo Therapy
Myself and my husband rolled into our lane way in on our gravel road, at 5:30am on January 29.
It is nice to be home, and I am going to be hopefully keeping up with the blog as mom continues to go through treatments. Yesterday, on January 29th, mom met with the oncologists and they discussed her treatment plan. She will beginning Chemo Therapy treatments on February 17, she is having 4 rounds, there will be three weeks in between each treatment. They listed some of the side effects could possibly be weakness, exhaustion, Nausea, weakened immune system, and loss fo her hair.
Please pray that mom will continue to do really well as she goes through the treatments. Mom has also been doing her stretches every day and has achieved about 75% of her range of motion in her right arm. Recovery from the surgery is going really well!!
Thanks again for all the support and prayers!
It is nice to be home, and I am going to be hopefully keeping up with the blog as mom continues to go through treatments. Yesterday, on January 29th, mom met with the oncologists and they discussed her treatment plan. She will beginning Chemo Therapy treatments on February 17, she is having 4 rounds, there will be three weeks in between each treatment. They listed some of the side effects could possibly be weakness, exhaustion, Nausea, weakened immune system, and loss fo her hair.
Please pray that mom will continue to do really well as she goes through the treatments. Mom has also been doing her stretches every day and has achieved about 75% of her range of motion in her right arm. Recovery from the surgery is going really well!!
Thanks again for all the support and prayers!
Monday, January 26, 2009
Moving forward

Mom and I have had an amazing emotional time together the the last 5 weeks, today I am returning to Ontario, I will be keeping the blog up to date from there, as I will be staying in contact with my mom on a daily basis. We have kept busy with our long amazing chats, and crafting(The picture), just spending quality time together. Philip and Aaron were over for supper last night and we enjoyed a dinner together as a family. It had been a really long time, we enjoyed some Christmas sparkling wine, it was amazing!!( The wine and the company that is). We toasted to mom's journey and a full recovery and healing! We toasted to our family all the love and support that we have had, and will continue to need to have. It has been an emotional roller coaster over the past weeks, and we are not off of the roller coaster yet. We have journeyed together and will continue too! I am handing my mom over to other capable hands that will be able to care for her, although mom said to me that she will be missing me, because it is just a security to know that someone else is in the house with her. So my absence I know will be felt and we know that I am feeling very torn, but there is a time for everything. I know that God is protecting her and I know that God has given her an amazing family, and I have seen the support that true friends give as well!
Like I have said we love to laugh around here, it breaks the fears and the worries that we all have, at least for a few moments, and those moments are truly treasured. Our pets have given us the chances to laugh, as well as playing games like Yahtzee and enjoying a nice glass of wine.

We do plenty of crying around here too! We cry about our fears, but also about God's overwhelming amazing grace and we know that he will provide for us, no matter what happens in the coming weeks, months. This time here for me as well as mom has been unforgettable, if the circumstances were any different I would not have been able to be here the length of time that I have been. I am truly grateful for the oppertunity to be here. My relationship with mom has grown incredably as our relationship has gone from little girl and her mom, to Woman to Woman, Friend to Friend, however she will always be mom and I will always be daughter!!
Mom did get an appointment at the Tom Baker Cancer Center, January 29th at 11:00am mom will be meeting with the Oncologists, to decided the next step. Right now, as far as we know she will not need radiation, because the type of Cancer she has will not respond to Radiation. But this again is up to the Oncologist.
But Chemo looks to be the best option. We have found there is no easy way to deal with Cancer, it just plan stinks! But I know in my heart that mom will be declared cancer free, and she will return to normal life, but forever changed, because Cancer has entered our family and will be forever changed.
Please pray for Tom and I as we journey by car back to Ontario, and please pray for mom as I go home, and our time with each other is coming to an end for a while.
Please give mom a call just to say Hi, or drop in for coffee, she would love it! It is a long hard road, and the simplest things make the biggest difference to someone who is battling cancer! God's Blessings to all!
Please take good Care of my mommy!!
Signed Alida Kroesbergen
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Pathology Results
Today we went for mom's appointment, We did get in, but waited for nearly 2 hours before we got in, good thing that mom and I had brought good books along. It kept us entertained.
We were parked in a 2 hour zone a block from the Hospital so I ran out, moved the car around to the other side of the block, so not to be towed and ran back, just in time to hear what the results were. Dr Mew, is an amazing Breast Health Physician she has made mom feel good and safe in her care. So if you are reading this your probably wondering what were the results and really wanting me to just get to the point, so here it is.
Most of the tissue was clear, but not all. Inside the tumor it's self there was a 0.7 cm part of it that was invasive cancer this is the not so good thing. The rest of the tumor was non-invasive, this is a good thing. This in Layman's terms means that mom will most likely have to consider the possibility of further treatment. She has been referred to the Tom Baker Cancer center, and the physicians there will make the final decision on treatments, upon receiving the pathology and her charts. Another reason that mom is being referred there, is because the tumor was so close to the Chest wall, it was in fact 0.1 cm away from the wall, therefore is important that follow up with the oncologists to make sure that we have it all. She also has an upcoming ultra sound on just outside of her arm pit for what looks to be a thrombus(trapped bruise) this will take place Feb 5th. We don't have a date for the Tom Baker Cancer center yet, but we will keep it updated when we find out.
This however is leaving mom with lots of thoughts of the future, and the decisions that the Physicians and herself personally must make in the coming weeks. This is not quite the news that we were hoping and praying for, however this is what has been given and this is what we must deal with. But the doctors as well as her and her family would rather be safe than sorry. We just have to press on and lean heavily on the knowledge that God knows everything and is the great healer. Pray for us as we wait yet again, for answers and continue to the next steps in the journey.
With Love in Christ,
Wilma and Family.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Life in recovery!

Tonight mom is out for coffee with some friends, I am proud of her for doing so well. In the mean time we are having a good time and trying to laugh as much as we can. This has included our pets.
I have my dog "buddy" with me from Ontario, and mom's dog "misha" and mom's cat "Gazz". We gave Gazz a helmet to protect her from the dogs. So we are having fun! We are looking forward to the day when mom is declared Cancer free. We are all hoping that it is tomorrow, but if not, we believe that God will heal mom and a full recovery is pending.

I am spending as much time with mom as I can, as I am leaving in a week back to Ontario. We all have mixed emotions about me going home.
Please pray for us as we go about more change as I return to Ontario and mom continues to heal here with out me in Body.
I do have to say that this experience has dramatically changed our lives. I am changed, I have not figured out how, yet, because I don't think it has all been processed yet. I think it is the same for mom. She has been looking at reconstructive surgery's online and it quite overwhelmed at the process of that as well. There are many emotions and feelings to process yet as the recovery continues.
I have heard many comments about this blog and I am grateful that I have the time and ability to put a blog like this together for Mom's friends and family and for other people who are giving us awesome support. I thank you, for coming to view Mom's blog. She says that she has never been so famous. God Bless!!
Love Wilma and the Kids
Friday, January 16, 2009

Mom and I went Yesterday to Superstore, and picked up a few things that we needed. Mom was glad to get out of the house for a little while. But outings seem to be making her very tired and take alot out of her. She is still feeling a little green at times and so we picked up some anti-nausea medication yesterday. Mom also has a funny new bump that has shown up since the drain was removed mom does not think that it is serious, but her appointment is on Wednesday and she will ask about it then, it does not bother her physically but she would like to know what it is. But mom's recovery is going well, she is starting to do simple tasks. She emptied the dishwasher, and leaves all the stuff that is to heavy for her for myself or Philip to put away. She Can have a shower now as well, and is very much liking that.

We have recieved some beautiful flowers from mom's work, Hillside Community Church, parents of philips friends and from Mom's brother and his family, they are all beautiful! It has brightened up the house. Please keep Mom in your prayers as the coming few days will be tense as we wait for answers. Thanks again for all the prayers and support.
Wilma and the kids
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
The Drain is Out!!

Today mom and I went the Women's Health Clinic and got her drain removed. Which is actually quite shocking because the surgery was just last friday. The nurses were quite shocked, but mom was more the ready to have the thing removed. Because her small frame it was sitting against the ribs and muscles and it was starting to bother her. But the drainage had to be less then 25ml and it has been that since friday as well, so it could come out. Mom however was not to excited about the removing it part. I got to be the hand holder. But the doctor had stitched the drain in very tight, so that was a bit of a pain. Mom said on the way there that it would be like "louloulouloulouluuoplop lop loplop" as it comes out. Well it was a little painful when the drain was removed. But mom did really well. Now mom is free of all tubes!! Thats a good thing! Today mom is wearing clothes, that are not Pj's. I think she is feeling a little more human.
Mom has been sleeping quite well, and said that she would like to have a nap this afternoon. I for one am not going to stop her either. Mom also has a follow up appointment to find out the results of the final pathology on January 21, the concern is the doctor has double booked her self, please pray that we will get in to see the doctor on the 21st other wise mom will have to go on the 28th of January, which means more waiting and we all would like to know. I personally would like to know before I head back to Ontario in a couple of weeks. So we are in need of prayer for that. Again we send out our thanks to our God, our family and friends for all the support, love and care!!
God's Blessings
Monday, January 12, 2009
Polka dot Pajama's. Day 4

Mom is doing really well, she has come down to extra strength tylenol during the day and T3's at night, but mom is still feeling a little under the infulence of the anesthetic, and is still feeling a little green at times. But her Pj's tell of a pretty happy mom.
She is glad to be home in her own clothes and being able to use her own bathroom, and have a bath, and just veg out on the couch. Mom is still fairly wobbly on her feet so she spends lots of time laying or sitting down. Although my busy bodied mother has some trouble remembering not to lift things that are to heavy, but the pain then reminds her to take it easy. So I don't have too!
Mom Says:"I can't not express how thankful I am for all the prayers, and how beautifully they have been answered. We have an awesome God who cares deeply about each and every one of us. He walks beside us no matter what. Keep praying...not all the answers are here yet!"
We are sitting together in the living room with 2 dogs and mother and daughter and bouquets of flowers, and I am grateful for the time that I get to spend with mom. The smell of Japanese Ginger chicken cooking in the oven...It smells amazing.
We are just so blessed to have the family and the friends that are carrying out the love of Jesus.
With tears in our eyes we are overwhelmed with God's goodness! We serve a mighty God. We will continue to need the prayer and support as the final pathology results are a couple of weeks away. As we greet each day with a smile we thank God that all the tests have been with great results and we pray that one more prayer with regards to the cancer may be answered.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Day 3
Mom said that she slept quite well last night and the pain is very manageable. Today she is eating much better, but is still feeling a little green. Breakfast was bigger then yesterday so the eating is getting better. Mom still has a drain, that will remain in, until she has less then 25ml of drainage per day. Home care has been assigned, but the home nurse phoned this morning, and figures that we can handle it over the next couple days, because mom is a nurse and I am PSW(trained). Mom has a couple of dressings, that need to be changed, over the next few days.
Day 3 tends to be when the anesthetic comes out and the emotions come a rollin, due to coming off the good stuff. But we will just roll with it and deal with the moments as they come. Today we did not attend church...I just don't think mom was up for that one.
We know that we have churches that are praying for us in Holland, Ontario, Calgary, Edmonton. We have seen the results of those prayers and we pray that we will see one more miracle that God done through your prayers! We look so much forward to the day when they tell us that mom is now cancer free. We have learned that God does work even in the diffifult times, and the challenges of life. The challenges are far from over, but but God is with us.
We feel the support as this afternoon, we have meals coming our way, and I am personally very grateful, we have had so much to deal with the past few days, both emotionally, spirtually and mentally. That to not have to think about cooking for a few days is AWESOME!! We are so thankful. Mom told be prior to the surgery that someone she loves told her that she is so loved.
Then she said to me that people need to know they are loved even when they are not sick, if I have learned anything from this is that Family Love, Support of Friends during the tough times is crucial, but it is crucial to love others, so that when you need the help you are not questioned, people spring into action. I can not thank our family and friends enough for their prayers and support.
God Bless!!
Day 3 tends to be when the anesthetic comes out and the emotions come a rollin, due to coming off the good stuff. But we will just roll with it and deal with the moments as they come. Today we did not attend church...I just don't think mom was up for that one.
We know that we have churches that are praying for us in Holland, Ontario, Calgary, Edmonton. We have seen the results of those prayers and we pray that we will see one more miracle that God done through your prayers! We look so much forward to the day when they tell us that mom is now cancer free. We have learned that God does work even in the diffifult times, and the challenges of life. The challenges are far from over, but but God is with us.
We feel the support as this afternoon, we have meals coming our way, and I am personally very grateful, we have had so much to deal with the past few days, both emotionally, spirtually and mentally. That to not have to think about cooking for a few days is AWESOME!! We are so thankful. Mom told be prior to the surgery that someone she loves told her that she is so loved.
Then she said to me that people need to know they are loved even when they are not sick, if I have learned anything from this is that Family Love, Support of Friends during the tough times is crucial, but it is crucial to love others, so that when you need the help you are not questioned, people spring into action. I can not thank our family and friends enough for their prayers and support.
God Bless!!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Wilma is Home!!
Today Mom was released from the Hospital at about 3:00 pm this after noon. She is doing really well, but is still really tired, and likes and wants to sleep lots. She did fairly well through the night although had some difficulties keeping some food down, but this morning went much better. She still does not have much of an appitete, but she is eating. The pain has been fairly minor, and has been well taken care of with pain killers. Now comes the part of recovery.
Having a Mastecomy also comes with some self image ajustments, that can be very overwhelming at times. The female anatomy is part of what makes us female, and beautiful to the world. But mom is a soldier in battle against breast cancer, and the wounds may be deep, but the result is well worth the fight. Mom is fairly restricted on what she can and can not do over the next few days. She told me that she is certianly not ready to walk around the block just yet, but is up and about to use the washroom and thats pretty much it. But she looks really good, and is ready to recover, and interested to see what the pathology will say about the breast tissue. We will find out the results in a matter of a couple weeks. This result takes longer because there is much more tissue to go through and investigate. Please pray for a quick and easy recovery.
Thanks so much for all your support, love and prayers.
Having a Mastecomy also comes with some self image ajustments, that can be very overwhelming at times. The female anatomy is part of what makes us female, and beautiful to the world. But mom is a soldier in battle against breast cancer, and the wounds may be deep, but the result is well worth the fight. Mom is fairly restricted on what she can and can not do over the next few days. She told me that she is certianly not ready to walk around the block just yet, but is up and about to use the washroom and thats pretty much it. But she looks really good, and is ready to recover, and interested to see what the pathology will say about the breast tissue. We will find out the results in a matter of a couple weeks. This result takes longer because there is much more tissue to go through and investigate. Please pray for a quick and easy recovery.
Thanks so much for all your support, love and prayers.
Friday, January 9, 2009

Today was Mom's Surgery. Myself, My Oma and my aunt Monique were there to be Mom's support. Mom and I arrived at the Hospital at 6:30am, to get her all settled. At 20 mins to 8am Oma and Monique came, and Oma decided that she should read scripture to us and mom before she was brought to the OR Isaiah 43:1-3, we were all moved to tears as the coming few hours were going to be tense ones. In this verse Oma replaced O Jacob and O Isreal with. Oh Wilma!!
At 8:20 Mom and I headed upstairs to wait again, and a BIG Doctor I like to call the Pain doctor because he takes the pain away, came and asked mom a bizzillion questions, I could not tell you what they all were, then the nurse came and explained a few things and asked a couple of questions.
On one note I have to say that the hospital gowned attire...ummm needs to be addressed!! Mom Swam in her duds!
But over the whole morning prior to her surgery she was doing really well, calm, reading and just seemed to be Deep in thought. At 8:45 she walked down the Hall. This is the point that I could not with her, it was very hard to see her go, but I knew that she was in good hands and that God was with her. At 11:45 the Doctor called me, on my cell phone. With Great News!!
The lymph node was clear of cancer!! Mom did really well in Surgery and was in the recovery room, and was comfortable. We waited for a while longer, and we got another call from a nurse telling us that she was in fact still in recovery. She was doing fine. However they had a bed shortage in the Hospital. Because it is recovery, we were not allowed to go see her, until she had a room. So we waited...and waited and waited. Geoff Vandermolen came by to see us as well as mom in recovery, and he gave us the update he got to see her before any one not fair...just kidding!! So we waited till 3pm and went back up stairs she still did not have a bed. So Oma suggested that we go to the recovery floor on the 7th floor, well we did, but the doors were closed then they opened and a nurse asked us if we needed something...we asked for mom. They finally let us see her the first time after surgery. She looks really good, but is really tired, however she was in no pain due to the drugs and she is now resting comfortably.
Just 25 mins ago I got word that she is now in a bed. She is now on the 9th floor, in unit 91 at the foothills hospital. She is only going to be there for one night as far as we know.
We do have to wait for final pathology on the tumor its self as well as the breast tissue, and that will be a few days!! But all is going good at this time! Please continue to pray for wilma as the
recovery continues and we wait for the final results.
With Gods Love, and thanks!
Wilma and the Kids!

Thursday, January 8, 2009
Surgery Time.
Mom is going into surgery at 8:30am Tomorrow morning. She will be at Foothills Hospital, mom believes that she will be in Unit 41. She will be spending at least one night in the hospital. She will be coming home with a drain, and unable to do a whole lot. Please Pray for the doctors who's hands will be caring for my mom. Please pray that the cancer is not in her lymph nodes, and if there is cancer within the lymph nodes, mom will be facing more decisions as well as recovering from surgery. Please pray for our family as we rally together to support my mom tomorrow as well as the next few days! Thanks so much for your prayers and thoughts!!
God Bless,
Wilma and Children
God Bless,
Wilma and Children
Monday, January 5, 2009
Good news!
As Friday January 9th approaches we as a family are getting more antzy and we are getting ready to move forward and head into this surgery. I was talking to mom, and she is pretty calm about it, although nervous, more about the surgery its self. Having never been put under general aesthetic it looks a little scary. She also said to me that because she is a nurse, knowing what they will be doing during the surgery is hard to take. We know that we have an army that are praying for us, and some prayers have been answered.
Today Mom's bone scan and chest x-ray came back with great results!! NO CANCER in the bones or Chest!! That is great to hear!! Now we have one more hurdle. We are praying that there is no cancer in the lymph nodes! We will find this out when mom is still in surgery. Please pray that God will use the hands of the doctors, and soon she will cancer free! Please pray for us as a family that we will remain strong during this difficult time; As we all have our frustrations with the circumstance that we are in at this time. I (Alida) received news that Tom's(her husband) grandfather passed away earlier this morning in Ontario quite suddenly. Although I am grateful for the opportunity to be with my mom during this time, my heart has to be spilt in two. As I am also mourning the loss of a loved one in Ontario, wishing that I could be a support to my husband as well. We will together remain strong as life sometimes throws us a curve ball!! Again please pray for a safe and successful surgery for my mom(wilma).
We also continue to thank you for all the prayers and support that has been offered to us!! We are truly grateful!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
The Journey has begun

On December 11, 2008 Wilma Van Hooft joined the thousands of other women through out North America that were diagnosed with Breast Cancer this year.
She found a lump in her right breast in October and after mulitple ultrasounds as well as biopsy's the results were in. She did in fact have cancer, it is however a ductal carsinoma in situ tumor which as far as breast cancer goes it is a better tumor to have. Which means as far as we know means that it is in one location, and has not spread. We are still waiting for the results of further tests to confirm that it has not spread. Mom just had a bone scan done, and she told me that her bones were sparkling on the screen, and that she felt very "sparkly". Keeping a sense of humor through out the journey will make the journey much easier to take.
Mom has a surgery booked for January 9th to have her right breast removed, the doctors are hoping that this surgery will be enough and mom will not have to undergo further treatment.
The doctors would like to be able to do reconstructive surgery this summer. This would allow my mom the chance to have some new boobs. We often joke about mom getting double D's...However the small frame of my mom would really not allow this to take place and I said to her that she would have to walk on her hands.
During the last few weeks it has been an emotional roller coaster, and I think it will continue to be. We have all at different times had to face the reality that breast cancer is now a part of our lives. Many tears have been shed as we join together as a family and journey down this road.
My Mom's sister Monique was with Mom the day that she was diagnosed, and the deep connection that they had has been deepened even more. I have journey'd to Alberta to remain with my mom for next few weeks as she recovers from surgery, and I believe that God has given me an amazing opportunity to spend some time with my mom and brothers.
I am amazed at the out pouring of love and prayer that we have seen already from our friends and families for support with prayer but also being willing to cook us a good meal as well, as mom recouperates. We thank our Family and friends and ask for their continued support. Please pray for strength, understanding and peace and quick healing, for mom and our family.
God's Blessings.
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