Saturday, June 6, 2009

The return of Hair!

Mom is doing very well in the recovery process. She has been keeping herself busy, but today just enjoyed her Saturday by lounging! Mom phoned me today admist my removal of JUNK from my house, just to tell me that it had snowed in Calgary, she said she had to make my day. It did! :) I think it was a good saturday in Calgary to just stay in Bed!
I was wearing shorts and a tank top, and working hard, in the sun! he he he. sorry but I just had to rub it in...
Mom is planning on going back to work for 2 days next week and see how it goes. Mom also has informed me that her hair is starting to return, it is a little thin yet, but it is growing in! I am so proud that she is ready to go back to work, she is my hero, a warrior in faith, and a woman of prayer!
It has been a long journey but we are standing in the light, and the Son feels awesome. I thank Christ For His Love, strength, and I thank him for carrying mom through this really hard time. The day that mom went for Surgery Oma read from the Bible, "Though you walk through fire you will not be burned". Mom with Christ went to battle against Cancer, and the Chemo was horrible, and the idea of cancer sickening, but the support, the encouragement, the prayer kept mom from loosing heart. You will not be burned. The fire is Hot, But God gave mom a fire retardant cloak, and went about snuffing out the fire of Cancer. Keeping Praying Warriors!!

Thanks and God Bless

Alida, Wilma and Family!

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