Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Pathology Results

Today we went for mom's appointment, We did get in, but waited for nearly 2 hours before we got in, good thing that mom and I had brought good books along. It kept us entertained. 
We were parked in a 2 hour zone a block from the Hospital so I ran out, moved the car around to the other side of the block, so not to be towed and ran back, just in time to hear what the results were.  Dr Mew, is an amazing Breast Health Physician she has made mom feel good and safe in her care. So if you are reading this your probably wondering what were the results and really wanting me to just get to the point, so here it is. 
Most of the tissue was clear, but not all. Inside the tumor it's self there was a 0.7 cm part of it that was invasive cancer this is the not so good thing. The rest of the tumor was non-invasive, this is a good thing.  This in Layman's terms means that mom will most likely have to consider the possibility of further treatment. She has been referred to the Tom Baker Cancer center, and the physicians there will make the final decision on treatments, upon receiving the pathology and her charts. Another reason that mom is being referred there, is because the tumor was so close to the Chest wall, it was in fact 0.1 cm away from the wall, therefore is important that follow up with the oncologists to make sure that we have it all.  She also has an upcoming ultra sound on  just outside of her arm pit for what looks to be a thrombus(trapped bruise) this will take place Feb 5th. We don't have a date for the Tom Baker Cancer center yet, but we will keep it updated when we find out.  
This however is leaving mom with lots of thoughts of the future, and the decisions that the Physicians and herself personally must make in the coming weeks.  This is not quite the news that we were hoping and praying for, however this is what has been given and this is what we must deal with. But the doctors as well as her and her family would rather be safe than sorry.   We just have to press on and lean heavily on the knowledge that God knows everything and is the great healer. Pray for us as we wait yet again, for answers and continue to the next steps in the journey. 

With Love in Christ, 

Wilma and Family.   

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