Thursday, August 6, 2009

"This Woman's Work"-A tribute through Dance to those amazing women that battle breast cancer!

YouTube - SYTYCD 7_22_2009_ Melissa and Ade #2 - This Woman
PLease click on link above

This is from So you think you Can Dance, my mom watched this and told me about it and so I thought I would share it with those who are still keeping up on the blog.
Mom said this dance made her cry. The words to the song are "just make it go away". It is about a women who is fighting breast cancer, and her partner her support. This dance is breath taking and so poinent. Mom said to me that when she leap into her partner's arms with no holding back, that was like mom. She had to leap into God's arms and trust that God is not going to leave her hanging but catch her in mid air.
The song is very meaning for mom as well, just make it go away, I remember chatting with mom before her surgery and she just wished that God could by some miracle just make the cancer go away so she did not have to face the treatments.
I hope it works and you enjoy it as we did!!

Alida, Wilma and Family

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