Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Round 4

I know that I have not written on the blog for quite a while, but I do have to say that no news is good news. I have to admit I have forgotten to ask mom about her furnace, but she has not said anything so I hope that it is back to working condition again, seeing as the weather in Calgary is being not so hospitable lately. I won't tell you about our 25-26 degree weather here in the east this past weekend. oops...to late.
Today mom had her final round of Chemo therapy. We are celebrating, and we are praying all at the same time. I just got off the phone with mom, and she is not feeling all that well right now...she feela like kermit thee frog.
The chemo treatment went well, mom said that Sandy the intern ministry worker came to see her and that she was grateful for the visit. Also we need to continue to pray for mom's white blood cell count, mom was at 1.2, one point less and they would have had to postpone the treatment; but because it is still very low, mom will not be able to be around to many people, and get exposed to bag buggies. Oma is very happy that Chemo is now done, now comes the recovery part of the journey. Chemo remains working for the next 3-6 weeks after Chemo. Fatigue is still one of the greatest side effects that mom has been feeling, she feels exhausted a lot of the time. At the beginning of mom's treatment, she received a prayer shawl, and after every treatment, mom has felt very cold, and that shawl is one of the first things that she puts on.
After the treatment today mom felt very weak on her legs, and had to walk holding on to Oma's arm to steady herself. This being the 4th round will most likely have more side effects, and the fatigue is going to be kicking in more as well. We need to pray for healing strength and also pray that the chemo would remove and destroy all of any cancer cells that may have been left behind post surgery.
Mom had a lot of mixed emotions about this final round so excited that it is almost over, but not excited at all to go through the coming days as the chemo sets about doing it's job. She will continue with follow ups with her doctors this summer, and after to make sure the cancer stays away.
Tonight Tom and I went for a drive, and went down a road called Harmony road, and it made me what harmony really means, and how God is in control and there is harmony in all that He does. We just don't see the big picture but God has it covered and there is a Harmony, far beyond what we see and know.
It is my prayer that mom finds harmony in her heart with what she has been through, and that she will always know that God has her in his hands, no matter what.
This has been a very challenging journey but God has been with us through out and will be with us on the upside too.
We all thank all those that have helped in any way with mom's journey.
Please continue to lift us all up in prayer.

Alida, Wilma and Family.

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