On December 11, 2008 Wilma Van Hooft joined the thousands of other women through out North America that were diagnosed with Breast Cancer this year.
She found a lump in her right breast in October and after mulitple ultrasounds as well as biopsy's the results were in. She did in fact have cancer, it is however a ductal carsinoma in situ tumor which as far as breast cancer goes it is a better tumor to have. Which means as far as we know means that it is in one location, and has not spread. We are still waiting for the results of further tests to confirm that it has not spread. Mom just had a bone scan done, and she told me that her bones were sparkling on the screen, and that she felt very "sparkly". Keeping a sense of humor through out the journey will make the journey much easier to take.
Mom has a surgery booked for January 9th to have her right breast removed, the doctors are hoping that this surgery will be enough and mom will not have to undergo further treatment.
The doctors would like to be able to do reconstructive surgery this summer. This would allow my mom the chance to have some new boobs. We often joke about mom getting double D's...However the small frame of my mom would really not allow this to take place and I said to her that she would have to walk on her hands.
During the last few weeks it has been an emotional roller coaster, and I think it will continue to be. We have all at different times had to face the reality that breast cancer is now a part of our lives. Many tears have been shed as we join together as a family and journey down this road.
My Mom's sister Monique was with Mom the day that she was diagnosed, and the deep connection that they had has been deepened even more. I have journey'd to Alberta to remain with my mom for next few weeks as she recovers from surgery, and I believe that God has given me an amazing opportunity to spend some time with my mom and brothers.
I am amazed at the out pouring of love and prayer that we have seen already from our friends and families for support with prayer but also being willing to cook us a good meal as well, as mom recouperates. We thank our Family and friends and ask for their continued support. Please pray for strength, understanding and peace and quick healing, for mom and our family.
God's Blessings.
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