Well, I am back from my holidays somewhat rested and now I must get back to the blogging.
I talked to mom today, she had gone to the hositpal for some blood work, for she was suppose to have her next chemo treatment tomorrow, that however will not be happening. Apon recieving the blood work they found that her neutrophil cells which are a white blood cell, and are part of the immune system are to low to proceed with the next treatment. They are half what they should be, this will delay the next treatment till at least next week tuesday at the very earliest, when mom will again have to go for more blood work. Mom was quite disheartened by this delay. Mom's mouth sores are also on the mend, so keep praying. Mom also has lost wieght, this is not a good thing, she has lost about 6 pounds in 3 weeks that is alot for mom's small frame. Please pray that she will gain some weight. Fattening Foods are a must for her...or at least food with the most calories!! How many of us, wish that the doctor would tell us that!!
Mom also is getting used the idea of not having much for hair, although mom did say there are some benefits..."no hairy arm pits". There are good and bad to all things!
Mom is struggling at times with lack of energy and is truly grateful to all that are helping out...
Thanks to Phil from Phil and Tanya, for his wonderful vacuuming skills!! The house was spotless of dust monsters, that were lurking under chairs and tables!! Mom greatly appreciates all the help she can get. Please pray for our family as we may struggle with seeing and knowing that mom is having to deal with Chemo, this is a scary time, and although we are one tight knit bunch of yahoo's we still have our moments of fear, anger and frusteration. It is hard knowing that my mom has to go through this and there is nothing that I can do, but pray to take her pain away.
I love to hear my mom laugh, because then I know that she is still doing ok. Please if you have funny movies for mom to watch or things to make her laugh please send them, Laughter is a huge factor is faster healing! She has not asked for them, but as her daughter I want to know that she is laughing as much as she can. Granted mom must continue with the course of treatments it just may make the road a little easier to handle.
Please continue to pray for mom, that her mouth sores continue to heal as well as any other possible infections. Also pray that mom gains wieght and feels like eating. Also please pray that her neutrophil cell count would also rise so she can continue with treatments and get them done and over with.
With Love in Christ,
Alida, Mom and the Family!
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