Sunday, January 11, 2009

Day 3

Mom said that she slept quite well last night and the pain is very manageable. Today she is eating much better, but is still feeling a little green. Breakfast was bigger then yesterday so the eating is getting better. Mom still has a drain, that will remain in, until she has less then 25ml of drainage per day. Home care has been assigned, but the home nurse phoned this morning, and figures that we can handle it over the next couple days, because mom is a nurse and I am PSW(trained). Mom has a couple of dressings, that need to be changed, over the next few days.
Day 3 tends to be when the anesthetic comes out and the emotions come a rollin, due to coming off the good stuff. But we will just roll with it and deal with the moments as they come. Today we did not attend church...I just don't think mom was up for that one.
We know that we have churches that are praying for us in Holland, Ontario, Calgary, Edmonton. We have seen the results of those prayers and we pray that we will see one more miracle that God done through your prayers! We look so much forward to the day when they tell us that mom is now cancer free. We have learned that God does work even in the diffifult times, and the challenges of life. The challenges are far from over, but but God is with us.
We feel the support as this afternoon, we have meals coming our way, and I am personally very grateful, we have had so much to deal with the past few days, both emotionally, spirtually and mentally. That to not have to think about cooking for a few days is AWESOME!! We are so thankful. Mom told be prior to the surgery that someone she loves told her that she is so loved.
Then she said to me that people need to know they are loved even when they are not sick, if I have learned anything from this is that Family Love, Support of Friends during the tough times is crucial, but it is crucial to love others, so that when you need the help you are not questioned, people spring into action. I can not thank our family and friends enough for their prayers and support.

God Bless!!

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