Sunday, July 18, 2010

Our Inspiration!

Over the last few days, I talk to my mom everyday some times a few times during the day. Mom never ceases to amaze me with her strength, faith and hope. She continues to stay active, although the tumors are causing discomfort. Sleeping is sometimes difficult and uncomfortable for mom, please pray for restful sleeps at night, as this is the bodies best way of healing.
This week my mom's brother John and his wife Joanne are in Calgary from the State of New York. It is not to often that my Oma gets to have all 4 of her Children in the same province, these times when they are together are always special.
Tom and I are due to have a baby on July 26th, that is 8 days away, please pray for peace of mind and heart as I am so far away, and mom is so far away from me as well. This is a very joyous time, but a hard one too, as the distance keeps us apart. However we are planning on using technology to the best of our abilities with WiFi'ing from the Hospital, with a laptop and camera. Mom is soon going to be Nana, this is Big deal and very exciting for all of us!
We continue to ask for your prayers, and we ask that you continue to ask for healing, good days, and plenty of laughter and Joy!

God Bless

With Love in Christ,

Alida, Wilma and Family!

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