Thursday, September 9, 2010

Laughter is the best medicine...

We often get caught up in our daily lives and forget to laugh. Now that Mom is in the situation that she is now, we love to hear her laugh. It is a sound that I want to treasure, and many other will as well. I often sound like my mom when I laugh and I have always secretly loved it. I am so fond of my mom, she is my best friend, my hero, and was always my security net, and my health adviser. If you have really funny stories to tell, please tell them, if you have a great joke please share it. Spend as much time as you can laughing!!
Mom had another really good day, as far as the cancer it is still advancing, however from the point of the infection that seems to be clearing up. Moms temperature today was normal. They started with a steroid treatment today to help bring the swelling down in the liver. This seems to have made some difference already. Mom was able to eat her whole dinner, this is the first time in quite awhile. The comfort measures seems to be working!! Praise the Lord. Please pray that this all continues to work, as things will change, that is a guarntee. So things may need to be adjusted as time goes on.
Please pray for continued strength and peace. Today mom had physio, more to make plans as to what she may need as far as equipment goes when she is able to come home. Mom will only be coming home if she remains fever free, responds well to the steroid, also only if she is comfortable with the idea of being home and confident that she can be home, with the support of home care and family.
Please pray that Everything will fall into place as far as financially as well for mom, as this is the realilty of the situation. As well as preparing for the future without her, a hard reality to face, however we must plan for this as well. We are still a young family and so things will have to be worked all out, please pray for peace when planning, both the financial reality, but also the personal belongings, and the emotions that all this will bring up. Please pray for us as we deal with this as a family. It is going to be hard for all of us, dealing with the reality is very hard.
We give thanks to our God and King for all the support that our family has recieved and will continue to ask for that support.

God Bless,

Alida, Wilma and family

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