Saturday, September 18, 2010

Day in, Day out!

Everyday seems to be different from the one before. Mom is very dependent on her sleep, if she does not sleep well, you can guarantee that it will not be a great day. Mom's antibiotics are making her very green around the gills. Mom has her good days and her not so good days, it is so different from one day to the next. She get tired so easily, from the simplest things. However mom did go for a walk to the end of the block and back!! That is a HUGE accomplishment. She is trying to be active to some degree. Mom will be getting a hospital bed, as well as a custom wheelchair as well. This will hopefully improve comfort for sleeping as well as increase her ability to get out and about.
Mom has been needing lots of naps through out the day to help give her a little boost. If you would like to visit mom, we do ask that you call ahead to my grandparents. 1-403-249-8138. We also ask that if you have a cold or flu or feeling under the weather, that you stay away until you are well. Mom still has a very weak immune system, and can not afford to be ill... Keep your buggies to yourself.... said with all the love in the world!
Tom and I are staying at Mom's(wilma's) house while mom is under the care of Oma and Opa.
We thank all those who are helping with meals, flowers and prayers!! It has been amazing all the support that we are feeling, the empathy as been overwhelming and we are truly grateful, that we are in the prayers of so many people!
Specifics to pray for: That the vomiting and nausea would cease! That the swelling in her feet would decrease.
Also we continue to ask for healing, we pray for time, we pray for the strength to get us through each and everyday. We pray that we who are caring for Wilma will not get burnt out, that we would be able to stay strong together as well.

God Bless,

Alida, Wilma and Family!

1 comment:

Karen said...

I really appreciate hearing how Wilma is doing. Have stayed away due to a lingering cold. Wilma is in our prayers and thoughts.

Karen Van Riesen