Myself and my husband rolled into our lane way in on our gravel road, at 5:30am on January 29.
It is nice to be home, and I am going to be hopefully keeping up with the blog as mom continues to go through treatments. Yesterday, on January 29th, mom met with the oncologists and they discussed her treatment plan. She will beginning Chemo Therapy treatments on February 17, she is having 4 rounds, there will be three weeks in between each treatment. They listed some of the side effects could possibly be weakness, exhaustion, Nausea, weakened immune system, and loss fo her hair.
Please pray that mom will continue to do really well as she goes through the treatments. Mom has also been doing her stretches every day and has achieved about 75% of her range of motion in her right arm. Recovery from the surgery is going really well!!
Thanks again for all the support and prayers!
...But those who hope in the Lord will renew thier strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:31
Friday, January 30, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
Moving forward

Mom and I have had an amazing emotional time together the the last 5 weeks, today I am returning to Ontario, I will be keeping the blog up to date from there, as I will be staying in contact with my mom on a daily basis. We have kept busy with our long amazing chats, and crafting(The picture), just spending quality time together. Philip and Aaron were over for supper last night and we enjoyed a dinner together as a family. It had been a really long time, we enjoyed some Christmas sparkling wine, it was amazing!!( The wine and the company that is). We toasted to mom's journey and a full recovery and healing! We toasted to our family all the love and support that we have had, and will continue to need to have. It has been an emotional roller coaster over the past weeks, and we are not off of the roller coaster yet. We have journeyed together and will continue too! I am handing my mom over to other capable hands that will be able to care for her, although mom said to me that she will be missing me, because it is just a security to know that someone else is in the house with her. So my absence I know will be felt and we know that I am feeling very torn, but there is a time for everything. I know that God is protecting her and I know that God has given her an amazing family, and I have seen the support that true friends give as well!
Like I have said we love to laugh around here, it breaks the fears and the worries that we all have, at least for a few moments, and those moments are truly treasured. Our pets have given us the chances to laugh, as well as playing games like Yahtzee and enjoying a nice glass of wine.

We do plenty of crying around here too! We cry about our fears, but also about God's overwhelming amazing grace and we know that he will provide for us, no matter what happens in the coming weeks, months. This time here for me as well as mom has been unforgettable, if the circumstances were any different I would not have been able to be here the length of time that I have been. I am truly grateful for the oppertunity to be here. My relationship with mom has grown incredably as our relationship has gone from little girl and her mom, to Woman to Woman, Friend to Friend, however she will always be mom and I will always be daughter!!
Mom did get an appointment at the Tom Baker Cancer Center, January 29th at 11:00am mom will be meeting with the Oncologists, to decided the next step. Right now, as far as we know she will not need radiation, because the type of Cancer she has will not respond to Radiation. But this again is up to the Oncologist.
But Chemo looks to be the best option. We have found there is no easy way to deal with Cancer, it just plan stinks! But I know in my heart that mom will be declared cancer free, and she will return to normal life, but forever changed, because Cancer has entered our family and will be forever changed.
Please pray for Tom and I as we journey by car back to Ontario, and please pray for mom as I go home, and our time with each other is coming to an end for a while.
Please give mom a call just to say Hi, or drop in for coffee, she would love it! It is a long hard road, and the simplest things make the biggest difference to someone who is battling cancer! God's Blessings to all!
Please take good Care of my mommy!!
Signed Alida Kroesbergen
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Pathology Results
Today we went for mom's appointment, We did get in, but waited for nearly 2 hours before we got in, good thing that mom and I had brought good books along. It kept us entertained.
We were parked in a 2 hour zone a block from the Hospital so I ran out, moved the car around to the other side of the block, so not to be towed and ran back, just in time to hear what the results were. Dr Mew, is an amazing Breast Health Physician she has made mom feel good and safe in her care. So if you are reading this your probably wondering what were the results and really wanting me to just get to the point, so here it is.
Most of the tissue was clear, but not all. Inside the tumor it's self there was a 0.7 cm part of it that was invasive cancer this is the not so good thing. The rest of the tumor was non-invasive, this is a good thing. This in Layman's terms means that mom will most likely have to consider the possibility of further treatment. She has been referred to the Tom Baker Cancer center, and the physicians there will make the final decision on treatments, upon receiving the pathology and her charts. Another reason that mom is being referred there, is because the tumor was so close to the Chest wall, it was in fact 0.1 cm away from the wall, therefore is important that follow up with the oncologists to make sure that we have it all. She also has an upcoming ultra sound on just outside of her arm pit for what looks to be a thrombus(trapped bruise) this will take place Feb 5th. We don't have a date for the Tom Baker Cancer center yet, but we will keep it updated when we find out.
This however is leaving mom with lots of thoughts of the future, and the decisions that the Physicians and herself personally must make in the coming weeks. This is not quite the news that we were hoping and praying for, however this is what has been given and this is what we must deal with. But the doctors as well as her and her family would rather be safe than sorry. We just have to press on and lean heavily on the knowledge that God knows everything and is the great healer. Pray for us as we wait yet again, for answers and continue to the next steps in the journey.
With Love in Christ,
Wilma and Family.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Life in recovery!

Tonight mom is out for coffee with some friends, I am proud of her for doing so well. In the mean time we are having a good time and trying to laugh as much as we can. This has included our pets.
I have my dog "buddy" with me from Ontario, and mom's dog "misha" and mom's cat "Gazz". We gave Gazz a helmet to protect her from the dogs. So we are having fun! We are looking forward to the day when mom is declared Cancer free. We are all hoping that it is tomorrow, but if not, we believe that God will heal mom and a full recovery is pending.

I am spending as much time with mom as I can, as I am leaving in a week back to Ontario. We all have mixed emotions about me going home.
Please pray for us as we go about more change as I return to Ontario and mom continues to heal here with out me in Body.
I do have to say that this experience has dramatically changed our lives. I am changed, I have not figured out how, yet, because I don't think it has all been processed yet. I think it is the same for mom. She has been looking at reconstructive surgery's online and it quite overwhelmed at the process of that as well. There are many emotions and feelings to process yet as the recovery continues.
I have heard many comments about this blog and I am grateful that I have the time and ability to put a blog like this together for Mom's friends and family and for other people who are giving us awesome support. I thank you, for coming to view Mom's blog. She says that she has never been so famous. God Bless!!
Love Wilma and the Kids
Friday, January 16, 2009

Mom and I went Yesterday to Superstore, and picked up a few things that we needed. Mom was glad to get out of the house for a little while. But outings seem to be making her very tired and take alot out of her. She is still feeling a little green at times and so we picked up some anti-nausea medication yesterday. Mom also has a funny new bump that has shown up since the drain was removed mom does not think that it is serious, but her appointment is on Wednesday and she will ask about it then, it does not bother her physically but she would like to know what it is. But mom's recovery is going well, she is starting to do simple tasks. She emptied the dishwasher, and leaves all the stuff that is to heavy for her for myself or Philip to put away. She Can have a shower now as well, and is very much liking that.

We have recieved some beautiful flowers from mom's work, Hillside Community Church, parents of philips friends and from Mom's brother and his family, they are all beautiful! It has brightened up the house. Please keep Mom in your prayers as the coming few days will be tense as we wait for answers. Thanks again for all the prayers and support.
Wilma and the kids
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
The Drain is Out!!

Today mom and I went the Women's Health Clinic and got her drain removed. Which is actually quite shocking because the surgery was just last friday. The nurses were quite shocked, but mom was more the ready to have the thing removed. Because her small frame it was sitting against the ribs and muscles and it was starting to bother her. But the drainage had to be less then 25ml and it has been that since friday as well, so it could come out. Mom however was not to excited about the removing it part. I got to be the hand holder. But the doctor had stitched the drain in very tight, so that was a bit of a pain. Mom said on the way there that it would be like "louloulouloulouluuoplop lop loplop" as it comes out. Well it was a little painful when the drain was removed. But mom did really well. Now mom is free of all tubes!! Thats a good thing! Today mom is wearing clothes, that are not Pj's. I think she is feeling a little more human.
Mom has been sleeping quite well, and said that she would like to have a nap this afternoon. I for one am not going to stop her either. Mom also has a follow up appointment to find out the results of the final pathology on January 21, the concern is the doctor has double booked her self, please pray that we will get in to see the doctor on the 21st other wise mom will have to go on the 28th of January, which means more waiting and we all would like to know. I personally would like to know before I head back to Ontario in a couple of weeks. So we are in need of prayer for that. Again we send out our thanks to our God, our family and friends for all the support, love and care!!
God's Blessings
Monday, January 12, 2009
Polka dot Pajama's. Day 4

Mom is doing really well, she has come down to extra strength tylenol during the day and T3's at night, but mom is still feeling a little under the infulence of the anesthetic, and is still feeling a little green at times. But her Pj's tell of a pretty happy mom.
She is glad to be home in her own clothes and being able to use her own bathroom, and have a bath, and just veg out on the couch. Mom is still fairly wobbly on her feet so she spends lots of time laying or sitting down. Although my busy bodied mother has some trouble remembering not to lift things that are to heavy, but the pain then reminds her to take it easy. So I don't have too!
Mom Says:"I can't not express how thankful I am for all the prayers, and how beautifully they have been answered. We have an awesome God who cares deeply about each and every one of us. He walks beside us no matter what. Keep praying...not all the answers are here yet!"
We are sitting together in the living room with 2 dogs and mother and daughter and bouquets of flowers, and I am grateful for the time that I get to spend with mom. The smell of Japanese Ginger chicken cooking in the oven...It smells amazing.
We are just so blessed to have the family and the friends that are carrying out the love of Jesus.
With tears in our eyes we are overwhelmed with God's goodness! We serve a mighty God. We will continue to need the prayer and support as the final pathology results are a couple of weeks away. As we greet each day with a smile we thank God that all the tests have been with great results and we pray that one more prayer with regards to the cancer may be answered.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Day 3
Mom said that she slept quite well last night and the pain is very manageable. Today she is eating much better, but is still feeling a little green. Breakfast was bigger then yesterday so the eating is getting better. Mom still has a drain, that will remain in, until she has less then 25ml of drainage per day. Home care has been assigned, but the home nurse phoned this morning, and figures that we can handle it over the next couple days, because mom is a nurse and I am PSW(trained). Mom has a couple of dressings, that need to be changed, over the next few days.
Day 3 tends to be when the anesthetic comes out and the emotions come a rollin, due to coming off the good stuff. But we will just roll with it and deal with the moments as they come. Today we did not attend church...I just don't think mom was up for that one.
We know that we have churches that are praying for us in Holland, Ontario, Calgary, Edmonton. We have seen the results of those prayers and we pray that we will see one more miracle that God done through your prayers! We look so much forward to the day when they tell us that mom is now cancer free. We have learned that God does work even in the diffifult times, and the challenges of life. The challenges are far from over, but but God is with us.
We feel the support as this afternoon, we have meals coming our way, and I am personally very grateful, we have had so much to deal with the past few days, both emotionally, spirtually and mentally. That to not have to think about cooking for a few days is AWESOME!! We are so thankful. Mom told be prior to the surgery that someone she loves told her that she is so loved.
Then she said to me that people need to know they are loved even when they are not sick, if I have learned anything from this is that Family Love, Support of Friends during the tough times is crucial, but it is crucial to love others, so that when you need the help you are not questioned, people spring into action. I can not thank our family and friends enough for their prayers and support.
God Bless!!
Day 3 tends to be when the anesthetic comes out and the emotions come a rollin, due to coming off the good stuff. But we will just roll with it and deal with the moments as they come. Today we did not attend church...I just don't think mom was up for that one.
We know that we have churches that are praying for us in Holland, Ontario, Calgary, Edmonton. We have seen the results of those prayers and we pray that we will see one more miracle that God done through your prayers! We look so much forward to the day when they tell us that mom is now cancer free. We have learned that God does work even in the diffifult times, and the challenges of life. The challenges are far from over, but but God is with us.
We feel the support as this afternoon, we have meals coming our way, and I am personally very grateful, we have had so much to deal with the past few days, both emotionally, spirtually and mentally. That to not have to think about cooking for a few days is AWESOME!! We are so thankful. Mom told be prior to the surgery that someone she loves told her that she is so loved.
Then she said to me that people need to know they are loved even when they are not sick, if I have learned anything from this is that Family Love, Support of Friends during the tough times is crucial, but it is crucial to love others, so that when you need the help you are not questioned, people spring into action. I can not thank our family and friends enough for their prayers and support.
God Bless!!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Wilma is Home!!
Today Mom was released from the Hospital at about 3:00 pm this after noon. She is doing really well, but is still really tired, and likes and wants to sleep lots. She did fairly well through the night although had some difficulties keeping some food down, but this morning went much better. She still does not have much of an appitete, but she is eating. The pain has been fairly minor, and has been well taken care of with pain killers. Now comes the part of recovery.
Having a Mastecomy also comes with some self image ajustments, that can be very overwhelming at times. The female anatomy is part of what makes us female, and beautiful to the world. But mom is a soldier in battle against breast cancer, and the wounds may be deep, but the result is well worth the fight. Mom is fairly restricted on what she can and can not do over the next few days. She told me that she is certianly not ready to walk around the block just yet, but is up and about to use the washroom and thats pretty much it. But she looks really good, and is ready to recover, and interested to see what the pathology will say about the breast tissue. We will find out the results in a matter of a couple weeks. This result takes longer because there is much more tissue to go through and investigate. Please pray for a quick and easy recovery.
Thanks so much for all your support, love and prayers.
Having a Mastecomy also comes with some self image ajustments, that can be very overwhelming at times. The female anatomy is part of what makes us female, and beautiful to the world. But mom is a soldier in battle against breast cancer, and the wounds may be deep, but the result is well worth the fight. Mom is fairly restricted on what she can and can not do over the next few days. She told me that she is certianly not ready to walk around the block just yet, but is up and about to use the washroom and thats pretty much it. But she looks really good, and is ready to recover, and interested to see what the pathology will say about the breast tissue. We will find out the results in a matter of a couple weeks. This result takes longer because there is much more tissue to go through and investigate. Please pray for a quick and easy recovery.
Thanks so much for all your support, love and prayers.
Friday, January 9, 2009

Today was Mom's Surgery. Myself, My Oma and my aunt Monique were there to be Mom's support. Mom and I arrived at the Hospital at 6:30am, to get her all settled. At 20 mins to 8am Oma and Monique came, and Oma decided that she should read scripture to us and mom before she was brought to the OR Isaiah 43:1-3, we were all moved to tears as the coming few hours were going to be tense ones. In this verse Oma replaced O Jacob and O Isreal with. Oh Wilma!!
At 8:20 Mom and I headed upstairs to wait again, and a BIG Doctor I like to call the Pain doctor because he takes the pain away, came and asked mom a bizzillion questions, I could not tell you what they all were, then the nurse came and explained a few things and asked a couple of questions.
On one note I have to say that the hospital gowned attire...ummm needs to be addressed!! Mom Swam in her duds!
But over the whole morning prior to her surgery she was doing really well, calm, reading and just seemed to be Deep in thought. At 8:45 she walked down the Hall. This is the point that I could not with her, it was very hard to see her go, but I knew that she was in good hands and that God was with her. At 11:45 the Doctor called me, on my cell phone. With Great News!!
The lymph node was clear of cancer!! Mom did really well in Surgery and was in the recovery room, and was comfortable. We waited for a while longer, and we got another call from a nurse telling us that she was in fact still in recovery. She was doing fine. However they had a bed shortage in the Hospital. Because it is recovery, we were not allowed to go see her, until she had a room. So we waited...and waited and waited. Geoff Vandermolen came by to see us as well as mom in recovery, and he gave us the update he got to see her before any one not fair...just kidding!! So we waited till 3pm and went back up stairs she still did not have a bed. So Oma suggested that we go to the recovery floor on the 7th floor, well we did, but the doors were closed then they opened and a nurse asked us if we needed something...we asked for mom. They finally let us see her the first time after surgery. She looks really good, but is really tired, however she was in no pain due to the drugs and she is now resting comfortably.
Just 25 mins ago I got word that she is now in a bed. She is now on the 9th floor, in unit 91 at the foothills hospital. She is only going to be there for one night as far as we know.
We do have to wait for final pathology on the tumor its self as well as the breast tissue, and that will be a few days!! But all is going good at this time! Please continue to pray for wilma as the
recovery continues and we wait for the final results.
With Gods Love, and thanks!
Wilma and the Kids!

Thursday, January 8, 2009
Surgery Time.
Mom is going into surgery at 8:30am Tomorrow morning. She will be at Foothills Hospital, mom believes that she will be in Unit 41. She will be spending at least one night in the hospital. She will be coming home with a drain, and unable to do a whole lot. Please Pray for the doctors who's hands will be caring for my mom. Please pray that the cancer is not in her lymph nodes, and if there is cancer within the lymph nodes, mom will be facing more decisions as well as recovering from surgery. Please pray for our family as we rally together to support my mom tomorrow as well as the next few days! Thanks so much for your prayers and thoughts!!
God Bless,
Wilma and Children
God Bless,
Wilma and Children
Monday, January 5, 2009
Good news!
As Friday January 9th approaches we as a family are getting more antzy and we are getting ready to move forward and head into this surgery. I was talking to mom, and she is pretty calm about it, although nervous, more about the surgery its self. Having never been put under general aesthetic it looks a little scary. She also said to me that because she is a nurse, knowing what they will be doing during the surgery is hard to take. We know that we have an army that are praying for us, and some prayers have been answered.
Today Mom's bone scan and chest x-ray came back with great results!! NO CANCER in the bones or Chest!! That is great to hear!! Now we have one more hurdle. We are praying that there is no cancer in the lymph nodes! We will find this out when mom is still in surgery. Please pray that God will use the hands of the doctors, and soon she will cancer free! Please pray for us as a family that we will remain strong during this difficult time; As we all have our frustrations with the circumstance that we are in at this time. I (Alida) received news that Tom's(her husband) grandfather passed away earlier this morning in Ontario quite suddenly. Although I am grateful for the opportunity to be with my mom during this time, my heart has to be spilt in two. As I am also mourning the loss of a loved one in Ontario, wishing that I could be a support to my husband as well. We will together remain strong as life sometimes throws us a curve ball!! Again please pray for a safe and successful surgery for my mom(wilma).
We also continue to thank you for all the prayers and support that has been offered to us!! We are truly grateful!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
The Journey has begun

On December 11, 2008 Wilma Van Hooft joined the thousands of other women through out North America that were diagnosed with Breast Cancer this year.
She found a lump in her right breast in October and after mulitple ultrasounds as well as biopsy's the results were in. She did in fact have cancer, it is however a ductal carsinoma in situ tumor which as far as breast cancer goes it is a better tumor to have. Which means as far as we know means that it is in one location, and has not spread. We are still waiting for the results of further tests to confirm that it has not spread. Mom just had a bone scan done, and she told me that her bones were sparkling on the screen, and that she felt very "sparkly". Keeping a sense of humor through out the journey will make the journey much easier to take.
Mom has a surgery booked for January 9th to have her right breast removed, the doctors are hoping that this surgery will be enough and mom will not have to undergo further treatment.
The doctors would like to be able to do reconstructive surgery this summer. This would allow my mom the chance to have some new boobs. We often joke about mom getting double D's...However the small frame of my mom would really not allow this to take place and I said to her that she would have to walk on her hands.
During the last few weeks it has been an emotional roller coaster, and I think it will continue to be. We have all at different times had to face the reality that breast cancer is now a part of our lives. Many tears have been shed as we join together as a family and journey down this road.
My Mom's sister Monique was with Mom the day that she was diagnosed, and the deep connection that they had has been deepened even more. I have journey'd to Alberta to remain with my mom for next few weeks as she recovers from surgery, and I believe that God has given me an amazing opportunity to spend some time with my mom and brothers.
I am amazed at the out pouring of love and prayer that we have seen already from our friends and families for support with prayer but also being willing to cook us a good meal as well, as mom recouperates. We thank our Family and friends and ask for their continued support. Please pray for strength, understanding and peace and quick healing, for mom and our family.
God's Blessings.
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