Saturday, June 12, 2010

We are in the Fight again, against Cancer!

A few weeks ago, mom had called me to let me know that she was going to be having a colonoscopy, to rule out Colon cancer as she had some symptoms of colon cancer for a couple of months. On wednesday June 9th, 2010, Wilma (Mom) was diagnosed with in fact Colon cancer.
It is back. It is a fairly large tumor, care and treatment is moving ahead quite quickly. Mom will be having a CT scan on June 23rd, unless her surgen says other wise. This scan is to pin point the cancer, but to also make sure that there are no other tumors in her body. She will also be having an ultrasound, as well as Chest and abdominal exrays(I believe). Blood work will also continually be checked. Mom will be having surgery again, when, I will keep it posted.
We are all still in shock, mom is sad, and frusterated, but staying as postive as possible. Most of us are angry that mom has to go through this again. We must all lean not on our understanding because I personally don't have any of the situation. Alida( me) and my Hubby(Tom) are expecting a baby in 6 weeks, mom was really hoping to be there shortly after the birth of her first grandchild. Things look like they will be changing around. This news has shocked our friends and Families once again, however we must stand united behind Wilma(mom). As one of her Friends Kathy had said, "We are not taking this lying down, we are going to fight". Please re-join our family in prayers and support to help mom battle cancer once again.

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