Thursday, June 17, 2010

Waiting for the CT scan

Well we are now waiting for the 23rd, this is the day that Mom will have her CT scan done. This is a scary scan, just because hopefully this scan will tell the doctors and us, exactly what is going on inside mom's body. We are all nervous about this scan, but know that God has a plan.
over the past 4 days it has been sinking in ever so slowly, the seriousness of the situation, we pray for healing, and the oppertunity for treatment as well. Mom is in better spirits at moments and then we have our sad moments again. Tom and I are leaving for Calgary tomorrow on an evening flight from London Ontario. Please pray for peace of mind, and that No blood clots will form in the time of the flight, this is a risk for any pregnant women so we ask for prayer.
We have not heard anything more from the surgeon, or any of the other doctors treating mom. We believe that they are all waiting for the CT results before any decision regarding treatment is made. For now mom continues to go to work, and stay as active as she can. Having been through this once before mom, has Uped her Vitamin D dosage, this helps the body make good healthy cells to fight of the Bad cancer cells. We are so thankful for the support that we have recieved again. Just to know that we have people that are supporting us through prayer and action helps to let the heart be some what at peace. Please continue to pray for our family, my youngest brother Philip is in the midst of Grade 10 final exams, he also just turned 16 on June 16, it has been a very tough week for all of us, but I think it is very hard for him. Our mom is his world. We have all had our tearful moments, and our moments of laughter. Tom and I are looking forward to seeing the family as it has been 16 months since I have seen my family, I can't wait to get a Mommy Hug!!
Keep the prayers Rolling!!

Love in Christ,
Alida, Wilma and Family

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