Alida and Tom arrived safe and sound on Friday evening, no blood clots in the legs during the flight( complication of pregnancy and flying), and fairly smooth flight. On Saturday Tom and I ( Alida) headed for mom's house. I (Alida) was greeted with the Biggest Hug I have ever recieved from my mom. With tears in her eyes, as well as mine, we embraced. It has been a long 16 months that we have been apart. There is nothing in the world like a mommy hug...Nothing! I didn't want to let go, and neither did she. :)
Monique ( Sister) and Dave and their boys were also here in Calgary for the weekend, this was very nice for all of us to get together but we were missing John( Brother) and Jo and their Kids. But we knew that they were here in Spirit.
Today being sunday we went to church all together to Hillside Community Church, where mom is a member. The sermon seemed to be right pointed at us, I am sure many others were touched by it as well. It was about Prayer and being persistent in Prayer because praying through trials allows you to Grow to know Christ in a deeper level then you have ever known.
During the last few days, we have ( our family) felt that we were perhaps upset, even "grumpy" that we have to go through this again. Mom and her sister bought T shirts with the grouch on them, and there are moments were being angry and upset are not a bad thing it is all a process of grieving the loss of knowing that you are healthy. I think the picture explains the true ups and downs. Being grouchy, and yet with a smile on their faces. The true paradox of emotions. Praying may not always be easy, because like Pastor Geoff read, Jesus prayer in the Garden, "Lord if it be possible will you take this cup from me, but, not on my will, but yours be done". It is the second part of this verse that really got me today, brought me, and mom to tears. Not my will but yours be done. Trusting that God's will and plan are for the best no matter the outcome. I find this very difficult to do, I want my mom better, we will continue to pray and ask that mom will be healed, but I can't help think what if that is not God's will, can we live with that. This is the reality with dealing with cancer, it is scary, frustrating, but like Geoff said, we keep on praying because we need to. Christ wants us to be in a deeper relationship with him, and that can be done through persistent prayer, and faith. Please pray that the cancer is no where else in mom's body. Also please pray that the doctors will know how best to treat Wilma( Mom). Please continue to pray for our family, and the roller coaster of emotion that we are on. God Bless!
With Love in Christ,
Alida, Wilma and Family
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