Today marks one week till mom will meet with the oncologist. Mom said that she really wants to get started on this Chemo as soon as possible. That statement coming from a cancer survivor is a big deal, mom knows what chemo is like...Not fun. But she wants to move forward into the treatments so that the fight against this Liver cancer can be waged.
The stress of the situation is really hard. Please lift up my brother/son, Aaron in prayer, he has had a really tough year to begin with, and now with the added stress of having a very ill parent has been very very hard on him. He is in great need of support and prayer. I was talking to my oma( wilma's mom) and we both said that we have our days where we can handle it fairly well, and other days are filled with multiple melt downs. There are moments when we want to just yell at God for allowing mom to have to go through cancer again, and we just don't understand why. That seems to be the universal question when things don't go the way that we think it should. However we must trust that God has a plan, regardless of the outcome, He does have a plan. As always continue to pray for mom, and our family. Please pray that the chemo therapy will start as soon as possible, the longer they wait the bigger this liver tumor grows. Mom went to her family GP, to get some medication to help with the acid Reflex that the tumor is causing because of the pressure that it is pushing up on mom's stomach.
We thank you again for all the prayers and support that mom is and has recieved.
With Love in Christ,
Alida, Wilma and Family
...But those who hope in the Lord will renew thier strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:31
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Saturday, June 26, 2010
One day at a time...
As we wait for the oncology appointment life goes on, one day at a time. Mom is surrounded by people that she loves and they dearly love her. Today mom, Philip and Opa are putting in mom's new kitchen cupboards, mom has been living in a bit of a kitchen Chaos, but soon mom will have a much more organized kitchen. Mom has been feeling well enough to continue to work, and go for walks and stay busy at home as well. This is a true blessing. Tom and I had an emotional, but very rewarding week with my family, but we are glad to be home again, but I am missing my mom horribly.
The Baby K count down is on, 31 days and counting. Mom's very dear friend Fran, who has lifted mom, Tom and I up for a long time as we prayed for a baby, prayed for blessings on our new little one. This little one comes into the midst of a pretty stressful time, but we have faith that God will gaurd this little one. Mom is so excited about meeting this little one that we have prayed for, and asked for, for 5 and 1/2 years. This is a very special little one, and I can't wait to put our baby in Nana's( Mom) arms.
Right now, it is one day at a time, we take each moment as it comes. There have been and there will be many tears yet to fall, but we know that God has heard our cries, and we must put our faith, and mom's life into his hands. Please continue to pray for mom that every moment of her day would be filled with His Goodness and Grace.
Pray for Tom and I as we await this baby's arrival, and pray for peace as I wish that mom and I could be alot closer together.
With Love in Christ,
Alida, Wilma and Family.
The Baby K count down is on, 31 days and counting. Mom's very dear friend Fran, who has lifted mom, Tom and I up for a long time as we prayed for a baby, prayed for blessings on our new little one. This little one comes into the midst of a pretty stressful time, but we have faith that God will gaurd this little one. Mom is so excited about meeting this little one that we have prayed for, and asked for, for 5 and 1/2 years. This is a very special little one, and I can't wait to put our baby in Nana's( Mom) arms.
Right now, it is one day at a time, we take each moment as it comes. There have been and there will be many tears yet to fall, but we know that God has heard our cries, and we must put our faith, and mom's life into his hands. Please continue to pray for mom that every moment of her day would be filled with His Goodness and Grace.
Pray for Tom and I as we await this baby's arrival, and pray for peace as I wish that mom and I could be alot closer together.
With Love in Christ,
Alida, Wilma and Family.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Liver Specialist Appointment
Today mom went for her appointment with the Liver specialist. As far as the Scan goes the liver specialist said today that there was nothing else within her body that he could see at this time, final results are still to come. There are 3 tumors in the liver one very large one and 2 smaller ones in a different area of the liver. To do surgery right now is not an option. This means however that mom will have to undergo 3 months of Chemo therapy. Mom would require a dramatic response to the Chemo therapy before surgery on the liver could be considered. Mom has an appointment with an oncologist( Cancer doctor) on July 7, to decide further treatment of the colon cancer, as well as the tumors in the liver. The goal now is to shrink the tumors in the liver as well as in the colon before operation is possible. Please pray that mom will respond very well to the Chemo, that the tumors will shrink, so surgery maybe possible. The liver specialist commented to mom that all hope is not lost, and to continue to be positive. Please also pray for peace and patience as we wait to see the oncologist, and that mom will continue to feel well, and not loose weight. Loosing weight is a struggle for mom during stressful times and also the tumors demand a lot from the body, so please lift mom up in prayer that she will want to EAT!!! We are so thankful for the kind words and prayers that we have been receiving, keep them coming!! We feel the strength that your prayer provide, and we feel God's grace and favor even in these trying circumstances.
With Love in Christ,
Alida, Wilma and Family.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
No News yet from the CT scan
So mom had her CT scan today, and we will not know any results for probably a few days. We will keep you posted when we hear more news.
This week has flown by, Tom and I will be heading back to Ontario tomorrow night, on a red eye flight, please pray for continued safety for us and baby, as the same risks apply since our flight last friday.
This week has been a hard week, and yet a week filled with family love, hope and strength. I am blessed, as well as mom with an amazing family, and amazing friends. It has not been easy and it will continue to be very difficult at times for all of us, as we deal with the loss of mom's health, and all the roller coaster of emotions that come with that loss. We surround mom with support and love, and I know that she feels it, and she is so thankful for all those who are praying for her. Her request is that we stand united and pray that there are no other tumors else where in her body.
It is very hard at this stage, because we want things to happen fast, but that is not always the way that things go. Mom( wilma) has another appointment tomorrow with the liver specialist. This appointment is at 10:45am please pray for mom as this is an important appointment that will hopefully give us a little more insight as to what is going on inside the liver.
Tomorrow Tom and I leave and we leave with heavy hearts, but we leave knowing that our Heavenly Father that loves us, that mom is well cared for, and well loved. We hope to return once Baby K comes into the world which is due to happen July 27. Until then please pray for me and Tom as being so far away can be very difficult. I often wish I had wings and could fly on a moments notice, especially now. Mom is still going to work, and is keeping busy.
The tumor is beggining to cause her discomfort, so we ask for prayer that this tumor would stop it's growth.
There are lots of prayer requesting coming forward, but we ask knowing that God hears our cries. When Hillside community church stood around mom praying it was one of the most incredible things, we all felt the power of prayer and the love of a community. It was so special, not just to mom, but to all of our family. We thank all those who prayed for us that day, and we thank you in advance for your continued prayer.
With Love in Christ,
Alida, Wilma and Family
This week has flown by, Tom and I will be heading back to Ontario tomorrow night, on a red eye flight, please pray for continued safety for us and baby, as the same risks apply since our flight last friday.
This week has been a hard week, and yet a week filled with family love, hope and strength. I am blessed, as well as mom with an amazing family, and amazing friends. It has not been easy and it will continue to be very difficult at times for all of us, as we deal with the loss of mom's health, and all the roller coaster of emotions that come with that loss. We surround mom with support and love, and I know that she feels it, and she is so thankful for all those who are praying for her. Her request is that we stand united and pray that there are no other tumors else where in her body.
It is very hard at this stage, because we want things to happen fast, but that is not always the way that things go. Mom( wilma) has another appointment tomorrow with the liver specialist. This appointment is at 10:45am please pray for mom as this is an important appointment that will hopefully give us a little more insight as to what is going on inside the liver.
Tomorrow Tom and I leave and we leave with heavy hearts, but we leave knowing that our Heavenly Father that loves us, that mom is well cared for, and well loved. We hope to return once Baby K comes into the world which is due to happen July 27. Until then please pray for me and Tom as being so far away can be very difficult. I often wish I had wings and could fly on a moments notice, especially now. Mom is still going to work, and is keeping busy.
The tumor is beggining to cause her discomfort, so we ask for prayer that this tumor would stop it's growth.
There are lots of prayer requesting coming forward, but we ask knowing that God hears our cries. When Hillside community church stood around mom praying it was one of the most incredible things, we all felt the power of prayer and the love of a community. It was so special, not just to mom, but to all of our family. We thank all those who prayed for us that day, and we thank you in advance for your continued prayer.
With Love in Christ,
Alida, Wilma and Family
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Alida comes home/Church Service prayer

Alida and Tom arrived safe and sound on Friday evening, no blood clots in the legs during the flight( complication of pregnancy and flying), and fairly smooth flight. On Saturday Tom and I ( Alida) headed for mom's house. I (Alida) was greeted with the Biggest Hug I have ever recieved from my mom. With tears in her eyes, as well as mine, we embraced. It has been a long 16 months that we have been apart. There is nothing in the world like a mommy hug...Nothing! I didn't want to let go, and neither did she. :)
Monique ( Sister) and Dave and their boys were also here in Calgary for the weekend, this was very nice for all of us to get together but we were missing John( Brother) and Jo and their Kids. But we knew that they were here in Spirit.
Today being sunday we went to church all together to Hillside Community Church, where mom is a member. The sermon seemed to be right pointed at us, I am sure many others were touched by it as well. It was about Prayer and being persistent in Prayer because praying through trials allows you to Grow to know Christ in a deeper level then you have ever known.
During the last few days, we have ( our family) felt that we were perhaps upset, even "grumpy" that we have to go through this again. Mom and her sister bought T shirts with the grouch on them, and there are moments were being angry and upset are not a bad thing it is all a process of grieving the loss of knowing that you are healthy. I think the picture explains the true ups and downs. Being grouchy, and yet with a smile on their faces. The true paradox of emotions. Praying may not always be easy, because like Pastor Geoff read, Jesus prayer in the Garden, "Lord if it be possible will you take this cup from me, but, not on my will, but yours be done". It is the second part of this verse that really got me today, brought me, and mom to tears. Not my will but yours be done. Trusting that God's will and plan are for the best no matter the outcome. I find this very difficult to do, I want my mom better, we will continue to pray and ask that mom will be healed, but I can't help think what if that is not God's will, can we live with that. This is the reality with dealing with cancer, it is scary, frustrating, but like Geoff said, we keep on praying because we need to. Christ wants us to be in a deeper relationship with him, and that can be done through persistent prayer, and faith. Please pray that the cancer is no where else in mom's body. Also please pray that the doctors will know how best to treat Wilma( Mom). Please continue to pray for our family, and the roller coaster of emotion that we are on. God Bless!
With Love in Christ,
Alida, Wilma and Family
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Waiting for the CT scan
Well we are now waiting for the 23rd, this is the day that Mom will have her CT scan done. This is a scary scan, just because hopefully this scan will tell the doctors and us, exactly what is going on inside mom's body. We are all nervous about this scan, but know that God has a plan.
over the past 4 days it has been sinking in ever so slowly, the seriousness of the situation, we pray for healing, and the oppertunity for treatment as well. Mom is in better spirits at moments and then we have our sad moments again. Tom and I are leaving for Calgary tomorrow on an evening flight from London Ontario. Please pray for peace of mind, and that No blood clots will form in the time of the flight, this is a risk for any pregnant women so we ask for prayer.
We have not heard anything more from the surgeon, or any of the other doctors treating mom. We believe that they are all waiting for the CT results before any decision regarding treatment is made. For now mom continues to go to work, and stay as active as she can. Having been through this once before mom, has Uped her Vitamin D dosage, this helps the body make good healthy cells to fight of the Bad cancer cells. We are so thankful for the support that we have recieved again. Just to know that we have people that are supporting us through prayer and action helps to let the heart be some what at peace. Please continue to pray for our family, my youngest brother Philip is in the midst of Grade 10 final exams, he also just turned 16 on June 16, it has been a very tough week for all of us, but I think it is very hard for him. Our mom is his world. We have all had our tearful moments, and our moments of laughter. Tom and I are looking forward to seeing the family as it has been 16 months since I have seen my family, I can't wait to get a Mommy Hug!!
Keep the prayers Rolling!!
Love in Christ,
Alida, Wilma and Family
over the past 4 days it has been sinking in ever so slowly, the seriousness of the situation, we pray for healing, and the oppertunity for treatment as well. Mom is in better spirits at moments and then we have our sad moments again. Tom and I are leaving for Calgary tomorrow on an evening flight from London Ontario. Please pray for peace of mind, and that No blood clots will form in the time of the flight, this is a risk for any pregnant women so we ask for prayer.
We have not heard anything more from the surgeon, or any of the other doctors treating mom. We believe that they are all waiting for the CT results before any decision regarding treatment is made. For now mom continues to go to work, and stay as active as she can. Having been through this once before mom, has Uped her Vitamin D dosage, this helps the body make good healthy cells to fight of the Bad cancer cells. We are so thankful for the support that we have recieved again. Just to know that we have people that are supporting us through prayer and action helps to let the heart be some what at peace. Please continue to pray for our family, my youngest brother Philip is in the midst of Grade 10 final exams, he also just turned 16 on June 16, it has been a very tough week for all of us, but I think it is very hard for him. Our mom is his world. We have all had our tearful moments, and our moments of laughter. Tom and I are looking forward to seeing the family as it has been 16 months since I have seen my family, I can't wait to get a Mommy Hug!!
Keep the prayers Rolling!!
Love in Christ,
Alida, Wilma and Family
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
More Bad News
On June 14th Mom (Wilma) went for an ultrasound of her liver, and another mass was found.
This is a very large tumor, and appears to be rapidly growing. This is very life threatening, and has us all upset, and caught us unprepared for more heart breaking news. We have recieved many words of encouragement thus far and please keep them coming. For myself and my brothers this is very hard and I know I keep feeling like this isn't real, but it is. Please pray that things at Mom's work will be figured out as mom recently started a new job. Also pray for courage for her, Yesterday was a very difficult day and was truly overwhelming for mom as she had to tell more bad news to those she loves. PLease pray for saftey for me, Tom and baby K as we are headed to Calgary this friday( June 18) I can't wait to give my mommy a hug with my big round belly which she has wanted to see, and now will get the chance! Please pray for my grandparents as this is devastating news and no parent ever wants to see thier children hurt, no matter how old they are.
I will continue to keep the blog updated with news of treatments or appointments, or results.
Keep the Prayers Rolling!!
With love in Christ, Alida, Wilma and Family!
This is a very large tumor, and appears to be rapidly growing. This is very life threatening, and has us all upset, and caught us unprepared for more heart breaking news. We have recieved many words of encouragement thus far and please keep them coming. For myself and my brothers this is very hard and I know I keep feeling like this isn't real, but it is. Please pray that things at Mom's work will be figured out as mom recently started a new job. Also pray for courage for her, Yesterday was a very difficult day and was truly overwhelming for mom as she had to tell more bad news to those she loves. PLease pray for saftey for me, Tom and baby K as we are headed to Calgary this friday( June 18) I can't wait to give my mommy a hug with my big round belly which she has wanted to see, and now will get the chance! Please pray for my grandparents as this is devastating news and no parent ever wants to see thier children hurt, no matter how old they are.
I will continue to keep the blog updated with news of treatments or appointments, or results.
Keep the Prayers Rolling!!
With love in Christ, Alida, Wilma and Family!
Saturday, June 12, 2010
We are in the Fight again, against Cancer!
A few weeks ago, mom had called me to let me know that she was going to be having a colonoscopy, to rule out Colon cancer as she had some symptoms of colon cancer for a couple of months. On wednesday June 9th, 2010, Wilma (Mom) was diagnosed with in fact Colon cancer.
It is back. It is a fairly large tumor, care and treatment is moving ahead quite quickly. Mom will be having a CT scan on June 23rd, unless her surgen says other wise. This scan is to pin point the cancer, but to also make sure that there are no other tumors in her body. She will also be having an ultrasound, as well as Chest and abdominal exrays(I believe). Blood work will also continually be checked. Mom will be having surgery again, when, I will keep it posted.
We are all still in shock, mom is sad, and frusterated, but staying as postive as possible. Most of us are angry that mom has to go through this again. We must all lean not on our understanding because I personally don't have any of the situation. Alida( me) and my Hubby(Tom) are expecting a baby in 6 weeks, mom was really hoping to be there shortly after the birth of her first grandchild. Things look like they will be changing around. This news has shocked our friends and Families once again, however we must stand united behind Wilma(mom). As one of her Friends Kathy had said, "We are not taking this lying down, we are going to fight". Please re-join our family in prayers and support to help mom battle cancer once again.
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