Monday, March 30, 2009

Walking Forward

Mom, I believe is going for a walk today. This is good news! She has the energy to go for a walk!! At least that was her plan! so I am really hoping that, that is exactly what she did.
Mom has been feeling a little better each day since Chemo and we are hoping this will continue to be the trend! Mom has been doing well over the last few days.
Also, I wanted to lift up my Oma and the Barthel Family up in Prayer. My great uncle Om Hank passed away this past week. My Oma has gone to Holland to be with her family as they mourn a very good, loving man. This is a very hard time for my Oma as she was very close to her younger brother.
Also this week Philip is here for a visit to come and see me. We went to New York State this past weekend to go and see my mom's brother John and his wife Joanne, and their 3 kids, Jeff, Kelsey and Ryan. Kelsey was recently diagnosed with Diabetes, they are under going some major adjustments, please remember them in Prayer as well!

God's Blessings

Alida, Wilma and Family

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

One day at a time!

Mom has been doing a little better, she said to me she takes it one day at a time, nothing more. Today mom was doing a little better, still feeling yucky and poisoned, but doing a little better. Mom is still having a hard time eating because she has a really yucky taste in her mouth, and she also has a really hard time with Acid reflux one of the new side effects. This is very uncomfortable and she has pain right up into her throat, please pray that her doctors can give her something to relieve that, this will make eating easier. She also said to me that she can't taste salt very much, so she is adding lots of salt to her food to make it taste good!
I am still amazed that mom can offer her words of encouragement to me when I am having a bad, day when it should be the other way around. I am truly blessed to have such a strong mom! Even when she does not feel it, she is a ray of shining light! She may feel more like Kermit thee Frog!! but that is why we lift her up in prayer!!
This past week, here in Strathroy Ontario I heard on the radio there will be a relay for life happening, this is an all night cancer walk fundraiser. For a long time, I didn't feel the call to do it, but this year it is different, now I have what I call a duty to walk for my mom, my hero. Please pray that I will either be able to get a team together or find a team to join, I may be 3000 km's away but I feel that I have the strength and ability to go and walk all night for my mom and all other people that are battling cancer, have lost the battle with cancer, and for those who have won the battle against cancer. I pray that Cancer will soon be history!!

May God bless you and Keep you!

Alida, Wilma and Family

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Feeling discouraged!

Well, I would love to say that things are going just totally awesome, but I would be telling one big fat lie. Things are going alright. This is quite the general term to describe what you don't know how to describe. This week has been really hard, for mom especially. This round of Chemo has made her feel "poisoned" she best described it as that, poisoned. She often feels that just does not know what to do with herself she just feels plain old awful!
This week has been a discouraging week, the Health of Om Hank has not improved, Mom's neice and my cousin Kelsey Debree was diagnosed with Diabete's she is 15 years old, Mr Verveda a friend of oma and Opa Debree passed away this past week, Jesse Lindberg 2nd cousin to mom and Grace Lindberg Aunt to my mom have all had some serious health concerns as well. This is all weighing very heavy on mom. The feeling yucky has not helped the situation and mother nature has provided no relief for the Calgarians either with another dump of snow, some spring time cheer is needed!! Mom was feeling very bombarded with bad news and was feeling quite discouraged. Oma is also feeling some what discouraged and told me she feels like Job must have felt.
I ask that if you read this that you would take a moment right now to lift my mom, my oma and her brothers and all of their spouses and our family in prayer. Please pray for encouragement, courage, hope, and strength. These are tough times, please pray that God would continue to be our strong hold. Please pray that although our family is stretched out across the globe please pray that we would stand united in Christ even in our grief, our pain and our struggles. Please remember those that struggle today, and lift them up in prayer. I wish I could bring better news, but I will bring to you our need for prayer and support, and we know that we are loved.

God Bless,

Love in Christ,
Alida, Wilma and Family

Friday, March 20, 2009

Chemo Yuck!

Mom had a really yucky day yesterday, she did not vomit or anything, but said that she just did not know what to do with herself, she is staying at Oma's house until things settle a little. Mom was feeling much better today but she said ain't no marathon would she attempt at this point in time.
Chemo is so hard on the body and there is not a cell in the body that is not touched by Chemo therapy, as it courses through your body. It is a ravaging beast inside a syringe. NOT NICE!!
Mom is still my mighty mouse, even when she does not feel any stronger then one. Mom had a really hard time eating anything yesterday and it is better today, but not what it could be if she was feeling fine. Please pray for her and her strength as well as the ability to eat properly as well!
Also please lift up my oma (Ina Debree) in prayer as we got bad news from Holland with regards to her brother who suffered a massive Heart attack. Om Hank Barthel (mom's uncle) is in Hospitial and the doctors found that Om Hank's brain activity is non life sustaining. The family is faced with a heart wrenching decision. This has been very hard on my Oma, as well as the rest of the family as she feels that mom needs her care and she does, so she is staying here in Canada. So please lift her and my opa in prayer as well.
Please pray for my brothers as they are home with mom, that they would not get discouraged with mom having to go through chemo and not being able to do, what she always did. Change is not always easy, please pray for strength and open eyes and hearts to help each other to get through this.

God Bless!

Alida, Wilma and Family

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Chemo 2

Yesterday mom had round 2 of 4 rounds of Chemo. During Chemo mom had food to eat and tea to drink and was feeling fine, and did not feel green!! Then she was home around 6:30pm to Oma's house, then she had Nasi Goergan (that is not spelt right) She said that she ate a little to much of that and was feeling a little green, but did not throw up!
Today mom is feeling really tired, more so then the last Chemo treatment that she had. She has not much energy, and feels quite groggy. Oma was there this morning just to be company and to be mom. Mom said that it went well as chemo can go.
She is one tough chicky and will always be my mighty mouse!!
Please pray that the green feeling stays away, she really does not need to be Kermit the frog, no one likes that feeling. Please also pray that other side effects will not take affect!!
Continue to pray for our families and our friends!

Alida, Wilma and the family

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Round 2

Today mom is going for Round 2 of Chemo, she is not looking forward to it, but knows that it must be done. Mom has been doing fairly well, she has in fact gained some wieght!! HALEULIAH!! Man, I am still wishing that I could say that when I gain some weight!! Please pray that the side effects that were present during round 1 would not be present!!
Mouth sores
Dry mouth
feeling yucky
neutrophil Cell count drop
I was also informed by my oma (wilma's mom) that her brother Hank Barthel in Holland suffered a massive heart attack and is in acoma.
This is yet another stress on the family, please pray for my oma and family as we wait for more news. Please continue to pray for mom and all that she must deal with. Please pray the rest of our family as well, that we would remain strong for mom, and the coming days of dealing with round 2.
May God richly bless you this week!!

With Love in Christ,

Alida, Wilma and family!!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Home Body!

I was talking to mom yesterday and Mom and I were preparing supper from different ends of Canada but I asked mom what she was making and she said ribs. I asked her if she was trying some new reciepes and she said that she was, she said that she had not had the time to crack out the old cook books to make new things for a while. She is becoming a home body again, she also said that she has been baking...this is a fairly new thing for mom, well not new just revamped!!
She is enjoying being at home, and doing things that she loves to do, like bake and cook. Aaron said he is really enjoying getting lunch made by mom, it had been a few years. Mom seems to be in good spirits and I and my family are glad to see that. Mom said she still has her moments of sadness and frustration. She also says that she is still quite self concious about her wig, she says she feels like everyone is looking at her still, maybe its because I look so good that they are looking, or maybe its because I may as well jump up and down and say Yes I am wearing a wig!
Anyone that I have talked to that has seen her wig says that if you did not know, you would not know. Aaron says at home mom likes to wear her touque, because it keeps her head warmer!
But things seem to be alright dispite that Chemo has been postponed, it is still a little disheartening but we will get through it. May God bless you all!!


Alida, Wilma and Family!

Mom's pictures at the New due party!

Here are some highlights from the party. Thank you to all those that were there to be a support to my mom and we are truly grateful for the love that God has poured out on our family as we continue to walk down this road.
God Bless!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Chemo Update!

Well, I am back from my holidays somewhat rested and now I must get back to the blogging.
I talked to mom today, she had gone to the hositpal for some blood work, for she was suppose to have her next chemo treatment tomorrow, that however will not be happening. Apon recieving the blood work they found that her neutrophil cells which are a white blood cell, and are part of the immune system are to low to proceed with the next treatment. They are half what they should be, this will delay the next treatment till at least next week tuesday at the very earliest, when mom will again have to go for more blood work. Mom was quite disheartened by this delay. Mom's mouth sores are also on the mend, so keep praying. Mom also has lost wieght, this is not a good thing, she has lost about 6 pounds in 3 weeks that is alot for mom's small frame. Please pray that she will gain some weight. Fattening Foods are a must for her...or at least food with the most calories!! How many of us, wish that the doctor would tell us that!!
Mom also is getting used the idea of not having much for hair, although mom did say there are some benefits..."no hairy arm pits". There are good and bad to all things!
Mom is struggling at times with lack of energy and is truly grateful to all that are helping out...
Thanks to Phil from Phil and Tanya, for his wonderful vacuuming skills!! The house was spotless of dust monsters, that were lurking under chairs and tables!! Mom greatly appreciates all the help she can get. Please pray for our family as we may struggle with seeing and knowing that mom is having to deal with Chemo, this is a scary time, and although we are one tight knit bunch of yahoo's we still have our moments of fear, anger and frusteration. It is hard knowing that my mom has to go through this and there is nothing that I can do, but pray to take her pain away.
I love to hear my mom laugh, because then I know that she is still doing ok. Please if you have funny movies for mom to watch or things to make her laugh please send them, Laughter is a huge factor is faster healing! She has not asked for them, but as her daughter I want to know that she is laughing as much as she can. Granted mom must continue with the course of treatments it just may make the road a little easier to handle.
Please continue to pray for mom, that her mouth sores continue to heal as well as any other possible infections. Also pray that mom gains wieght and feels like eating. Also please pray that her neutrophil cell count would also rise so she can continue with treatments and get them done and over with.
With Love in Christ,

Alida, Mom and the Family!

Mom's "New due" party

This was written by Dorothy, but I thought that this would be good to put in the blog. Thank you to all the ladies and my oma and Aunkie Mique for being there for mom. I still have not seen any pictures of my mom, and will post them as soon as I have some from the party.
Thanks again Dorothy for keeping up with the prayer chain!! You all have been so amazing for my mom and I know that God is walking with us!! God Bless!
Dear Friends

I just got back from Wilma’s “New Look Debut”. We were around 8 or so and we filled the room so our numbers were perfect. Wilma’s mom, Ina, and sister (Monique drove in from Edmonton to be a part of this experience) were also part of our little group so that was really special. Francine Wilson prayed over Wilma and then Colleen, the stylist, turned Wilma to face us with her back to the mirror, so she wouldn’t see her hair coming off. The prayer was very beautiful and meaningful and we were all touched. Then as Wilma’s hair was coming off, that too was kind of a big thing. Even though we were visiting and enjoying each other’s company, there was some deep emotion accompanying that moment. Our hearts were again touched and Monique and Ina (Wilma’s mom) just hugged and cried together, so touching but so needed as their love for her just overflows. As Wilma’s hair came off there was a huge mound on the floor (honestly, I think half that girl’s weight is in hair!!!!). She was absolutely adorable with the buzzed look!!!, really just adorable!!! Then Colleen, the stylist, put on Wilma’s wig and shaped it to suit Wilma’s face shape and all. Again Wilma looked absolutely beautiful!!! The wig is perfect for her!!Truthfully, hair or no hair, with her cute face and bright smile she will light up any room! Wilma continued to be the brave thing that she is and we laughed and talked together.After her session was done, we opened up some sparkling champagne- like fruit juice and toasted Wilma and the moment, then enjoyed some snacks as well (thanks to those who were able to bring something….it was just the right amount, with some left over for Wilma to take home!). Since we couldn’t all be there I thought you might appreciate knowing a bit about the experience. It was a moment where God was with us, where we could meet some new friends and family, where Wilma was being held up and honoured, and where we could just show our dear Wilma that she is valued. I know all of you were there in spirit. On my way home I felt overwhelmed with joy that God has given us this opportunity to be His people and that Wilma is a part of our life.Thank you for your continued prayers for Wilma. The beauty and dignity that flowed from her today is evidence that she is leaning on our Lord for her strength and He is there with her, loving her, holding her. As she continues to experience this walk let’s keep praying!
Thank you all!!


Thursday, March 5, 2009

Chemo therapy process

Mom continues to do very well, although is feeling more and more of the side effects from chemo.
Mom also has developed mouth sores, these are very painful, and make eating and enjoying food more difficult.
Tomorrow mom will be having her shaving her head party, she has noticed that her hair is beginning to fall out very easily so it is time. She is doing her best to stay active, and keep on going.
Please lift mom up in prayer that the mouth sores will be easily healed. Please pray for strength as mom looses her hair, and has to face the next round of Chemo.

God Bless!

Alida, Mom and the Family