Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Well This week will mark 2 years since mom was diagnosed with Terminal Colon and Liver Cancer. 
I must stress to those who still read the blog...To get your Behinds Checked out every year!!!  It can be as simple as a Blood test or Colonoscopy, or a fecal test sounds gross ....So is Dying of Cancer!!!!  
Don't wait till its to late, I know My mom would be Stressing she waited WAY TO LONG to have it checked out. You see prior to her diagnoses even of Breast cancer my mom had many warning signs, which she ignored or got to busy to remember to book a doctors appointment. 
I BEG YOU FOR THE SAKE OF THOSE WHO LOVE YOU AND THOSE YOU LOVE< BOOK a Physical with your family Doc, and ask to have a colon test done and if you are Female a Breast exam as well.  Because my mom had Breast cancer and later died of Colon cancer, I get to under go a mammagram and colonscopy, when I get to 30 unless I present any symthoms before that. Which I Hope and Pray I Never have to deal with that devastating news again, in our family. 

To me, the cost of not doing it, it to great to even fathom.  What will it cost you??  Colon Cancer if caught in the early stages is very easy to treat.  Please PLEASE PLEASE!! Do the World around you a favor... Get checked every year!!!!! Especially those 40 years and older!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Our family lost two loved ones to Colon Cancer, My mom's uncle also died of Colon cancer. Don't let your life get cut short too!


But seriously....Book your physical TODAY!!
