So I have not written on this blog in awhile, because I have 2 blogs going, one for my personal family life and one for the memory of my mom, I will try to continue to write updates on here of our family happenings.
Aaron ( my Brother) and Family Friend Dave Rysebol( Don't think I spelt that right) have started a Contracting business, that is starting to take off, this is a huge accomplishment for Aaron and we are all very proud of him and Dave. Philip is in Grade 12, and is struggling a bit, but is in a band, and is having a great time doing that, arranging garage concerts, and jamin with the peeps. It has been a tough year for Phil has he is getting the itch to quit bug that most grade 12 boys get. They know they can make some money and so school does not seem that important. However we are encouraging him to stay as much as Me and Aaron can.
Other Family Updates:
Oma and Opa are doing well, and have been up and doing some travelling again, they were in NY with John and Joanne for Christmas. Health wise they are holding up fairly well, oma has had some finger troubles, but over the whole, they are good and healthy.
As time goes on, the longing to hear my mom's voice again, never goes away. I miss her long distance company, and support.
If you are reading this blog and have some stories or things that you would like to share about my mom, with my brothers and our family please e-mail them to: takroesbergen@live.ca
We would love to hear anything thing and everything you have to share, I would like to put a book together for Victoria or other grandchildren that she will never meet on this earth, of who my mom was to us, and her family and friends.
Thanks and God Bless,