...But those who hope in the Lord will renew thier strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:31
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Reached and Passed One Year
It has been just over a year since my mom breathed her last breath on this earth. My brothers and myself a took a break from reality for a day and the boys went scouting in the foothills and Tom and I went to Niagara Falls. My Oma and Opa were at my mom's grave side at the same time that one year earlier mom had left us. My oma spends lots of time at my mom's grave, making it pretty with flowers or a wreath. I think it is that motherly thing that no mom can ever get rid of nor should she ever. I am truly thankful that she does that, because if she didn't I don't know who would, because I am not there, to help. I think it helps her heal to, knowing that my mom is still cared for always. In that one year since we lost mom, we faced our first thanksgiving, which us kids had pizzahut, and sat among mom's stuff. As soon as that was done, we got back to packing...we were not in a very thankful mood. We faced our first Christmas, which was the hardest one in a while. We faced our birthdays, and milestones wishing that she was here to be a part of it. We spend lots of time missing her, wanting her presence back. We have all struggled, cried, laughed and wondered why? But over all, we have pressed forward because we have to, mom would want us to. one day at a time.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Mommy Hugs
I often dream of my mom at night usually in my dreams she comes back to life, and I am so excited to see her and I want to tell everyone I can that she is back, and healthy and strong, and then I wake up.
Last night was one of those times, I was coming home in my dream from somewhere, and when I got home my mom was standing in my kitchen, she ran to me and gave me a Huge hug! I wanted to start crying but I couldn't, because I couldn't be sad around her. I wanted to go and find my brothers and tell them first, but she said she couldn't go, but she loved me. Then she had to go, and I woke up. It was so vivid, so real, even the smell of her, she was wearing one of her favorite outfits, and the was glowing with healthy pink skin. I did not want to let her go, my arms felt like they were wrapped around her. One of the last real hugs I had from my mom was 2 days before she died, and I have longed so much to get one more hug. I must say believe what you want to believe when you read this, but I really felt her warmth around me and I could not help but want to keep dreaming. When I first woke up I thought it wasn't a dream for a few seconds, then I realized that it was in fact a dream. I miss my mom so much, and I have been missin her so much the last few weeks, just with all the stuff that has happened in the last couple of months, including UTI's for Victoria, 2 to be exact, cancelling a trip to Alberta because of it, going on a well deserved holiday, which was cut short by a Tornado hitting one of the farms that we own, taking out, a Storage shed, and corn. I have really been struggling with my faith in general, just a feeling of numbness, and I long so much to talk to my mom about it all. However she is not here in person to encourage me. This is the reality! One day at a time.
Good night.
Last night was one of those times, I was coming home in my dream from somewhere, and when I got home my mom was standing in my kitchen, she ran to me and gave me a Huge hug! I wanted to start crying but I couldn't, because I couldn't be sad around her. I wanted to go and find my brothers and tell them first, but she said she couldn't go, but she loved me. Then she had to go, and I woke up. It was so vivid, so real, even the smell of her, she was wearing one of her favorite outfits, and the was glowing with healthy pink skin. I did not want to let her go, my arms felt like they were wrapped around her. One of the last real hugs I had from my mom was 2 days before she died, and I have longed so much to get one more hug. I must say believe what you want to believe when you read this, but I really felt her warmth around me and I could not help but want to keep dreaming. When I first woke up I thought it wasn't a dream for a few seconds, then I realized that it was in fact a dream. I miss my mom so much, and I have been missin her so much the last few weeks, just with all the stuff that has happened in the last couple of months, including UTI's for Victoria, 2 to be exact, cancelling a trip to Alberta because of it, going on a well deserved holiday, which was cut short by a Tornado hitting one of the farms that we own, taking out, a Storage shed, and corn. I have really been struggling with my faith in general, just a feeling of numbness, and I long so much to talk to my mom about it all. However she is not here in person to encourage me. This is the reality! One day at a time.
Good night.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
90 minutes in Heaven.
I started to read this book called 90 minutes in Heaven, when my mom was sick, and I couldn't read it, and neither could she, because she wanted to live, not go to heaven yet. But I picked this book back up again this past week, and it has given me a little more peace of mind. My mom blamed herself for not getting the help she needed when she could have, and I was angry that she would even think to feel that way, not mad at her, but that Satan would even think to put that idea in her head. But this book, gives me a glimpse that I hope and pray that when she reached heaven's gate that anything that she ever could have blamed herself for didn't matter anymore. She was so scared of how we would make it with out her. Since loosing her, I hoped that it wouldn't matter to her anymore, that in Heaven, all is perfect, including her. She was imperfect here, on earth yes, but in Heaven she is a radiant Beam of light, that is joining with the Angels singing as loud as she possibly can, and Loving every moment, with those who have gone before her. Each person has their own idea's of what Heaven is like and I have found solace in knowing that my mom is in Heaven. With saying all that life is not easy without her here, we miss her terribly everyday. Some days are better then others, we are nearing the 1 year anniversary of her death, and it is going to be a very hard day. October 2nd is not a day we would care to remember, but it will come around every year, and I hope that in time the pain will be less, and that we will remember her more, in living out Godly lives, and seeking to Christ as our rock and foundation. Our daily lives continue, and time will move on, in the book 90 minutes in Heaven, Time stops, or maybe it is that it does not matter, we will not be known by the physical scars or the emotional ones for that matter, so we need to take each moment here on this earth and live it out, for in heaven all will be perfect. I love you Wilma(Mom) my super mouse.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Walk on the water by Britt Nicole (With lyrics)
My sister inlaw's introduced me to this song, and I am fallen for it. Because it really discribes , my mom's faith, and doubts but also God's grace. If we take that first step he won't let us go. Life will go on, and we need to take that first step, which is not always easy, especially when the heart really hurts, like mine does, I would rather go and hide, and my hope feels stolen. Faith is what I need. Hope you enjoy it!
Saturday, June 11, 2011
8 months have passed since the loss of my mom, and daily there are reminders of her, and memories and wishes and the longing just to be able to pick up the phone and talk to her. It is June and June 1 was my mom's birthday day. I have decided to make JUNE get your BUMS checked month...I don't know how many people still read my blog, but I don't care, even if just one person reads this blog and does something about it, then I have done something good.
My mom died from colon cancer, a cancer that if caught early has a much better chance of being successfully treated. If not the end results are death. PLAIN ANS SIMPLE!!!! don't play with your health. My mom regreted not fighting for more tests to be done, to make sure there was no cancer anywhere else while facing breast cancer. My mom died at the young age of 48. THAT'S NOT OLD!!!!! She left 3 children 2 in their 20's and one that will be 17 on June 16.
I beg you peopleooooo's!!!!! SEE YOUR FAMILY DOCTOR!!! It can be as simple as a 3 day stool sample, or a blood test, or a coloscopy, which sounds scary but it is really not so bad. Cancer treatments are a whole lot scarier!! Colon cancer often has no warning signs, PLease , please please, do it for your family, your friends. I AM BEHIND YOUR BEHIND!!!!
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
6 months have come and gone.
It has been 6 months since our mom passed away and not a day goes by that we don't think about her at some point. It seems to be something that you can't get away from. It hits you at the strangest of times, and leaves you feeling lost, almost paralyzed, and lonely.
Many of us play the what if game with our selves, what if mom had not gone to Tulsa, what if she had caught the colon cancer sooner, what if the doctors had actually listened to her. Would we still have mom? However these questions are completely meaningless, and they just don't matter anymore, and yet they taunt us in the night. Many a tear has been shed, and many a sleepless night has been had as well. People say give it time; you need to heal. I often think "will I ever heal? Because right now it does not feel like it's getting better. I am haunted by her suffering, and I feel lost with out my mom to help guide me on this crazy road of life.
Last week sunday we had a preacher preach to us about, being lukewarm christians. He read from revelations, and he read, the peice about being lukewarm, no one likes luke warm water so you spit it out. there are 2 choices here, freezing cold, or HOT. I know what mom would want for me, and my brothers, or for anyone else that she knew. She wanted us to have a spark in our hearts and a fire in our spirits. Since mom died, I have been a lukewarm Christian. I believe yes, whole heartedly, but that don't mean that I am a happy camper at the moment, but I could not say that I have been on fire for God. I feel robbed. He didn't heal my mom. In her journal entries she begged for God to heal her, Her words rip my heart in two. "Have mercy on me God, Heal me". That's Fire! She truly believed that God could heal her, and I believe he could have. What I struggle with is why didn't he. Why did she have to suffer? Why did she not want to talk about dying? Why did she not open up to her parents, sister, brothers about things that they should have known?or would like to know? Anyways, these questions and many more seem to bog me down from digging out and remembering what fire in my spirit is. At times I feel it, and then it's gone just as fast as it came. Learning to trust God, that he has life in control, is the hardest part of life, yet it is a part of everyday hustle and bustle.
But that Fire in my Spirit is a glowing ember, just waiting to be fanned into flame again, I pray that it will be fanned once again. So that I can be a "Hot"Christian, more then just my looks :)
But on fire for my God, and my mom.
Please Pray for Aaron who is writing final exams for his Carpentry Journeymans. ;)
Please Pray for Philip who is missing my mom, and her presence terribly.
Also my Oma( Ina Debree) who misses her daughter/tea buddy, and friend.
In the name of our Lord and Saviour I Bless all of you.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
3 months today
It has been 3 months since our mom has past away. Through out each day I am met by things that remind me of her and I find myself pondering memories, and and playing the should of, could of game with myself. There are many things I would like to ask my mom, and there are many times I just wanna chat. The other day I dialed her number by accident trying to call my Oma. And I heard this big loud beep, and " This number is no longer in service" so I hit redial, and then I realized I called the number that mom had for most of my life. I just sat there for a moment as reality hit hard once again. 
Over the past number of weeks I have seen and felt the reality of my parents divorce still affecting us kids as legalistic things are worked out and I can't help but feel trapped once again by the reality of a messy divorce and strained relationships between two families. I just want to burry my head like an Ostrich and call it all good still, but that is not the case at all.
My brother Aaron is still very much struggling with depression, and anxiety, and a feeling of hopelessness, Philip the youngest, is hanging in there. He often writes poems, and spends as much time with friends as possible.
As for the update on me, I won't lie, I am not doing well. I feel that I have lost my bestfriend, my counselor and
over all my mom. Can you ever feel good loosing a mom so young?
Perhaps it is just the stage of grieveing that I am in, but I feel very much numb. So often, I find myself wanting to call mom and tell her what Tori just did, or what I just bought. Or ask her what she thinks of something. I miss her So much. However I do know that I am so blessed to have my daughter, and my husband to be my light in this dark time. Tori is growing like a weed, and we love her charming smiles, and her contagious giggles.Nana loved Tori I just wish she got to know her more. Tori was Baptized on December 5th, something that my mom wanted so much to be a part of, however my oma and aunt monique and uncle John and family were there.
God blessings
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