well mom is nearly a week after her first treatment, things are going well. She is still having moments of feeling yucky but over all she is doing really well. She is however finding that food is beginning to tast very dry. My husband's grandpa when he was on Chemo said that his food tasted like sawdust. I don't think mom is feeling that much yet, but she really enjoy's smooth creamy icecream. She is also having to put sauce on a lot of things, just because they taste really dry. Mom is also trying to gain some wieght rather than loose it, so she may have all the icecream she wants!! Thats what I say anyway. Mom has been going for walks with Fran( her friend) and went to Canmore with her mom for some what else....icecream! Mom is also eating protien powder to keep the Calories up, and her body in good condition during the Chemo. She is finding that at then end of the day she is exhusted and really needs to go to bed. I personally. am impressed how she is doing. So with out further ado I will continue to ask for your prayers for mom and if you could please pray about the things on mom's prayer list, as found below.
I will not be blogging to much next week as I will be on holidays with my husband but please give mom a call if you would like to know how she is doing. Again a reminder that mom is having her head shaving party next week as well, if you would like to know more please phone mom or E-mail Dorothy e-mail found on side of blog. Please take care and continue your support for mom, and also remember the thousands of other women much like mom, that are fighting breast cancer.
God Bless
...But those who hope in the Lord will renew thier strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:31
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
Chemo Therapy
Mom has started her Chemo Therapy and it seems to be going alright. Mom says that she does not think that she could run a marathon, but I hope no one is expecting her too...:)
She has however had moments of Nausea, but the medication prescribed is certianly very much a helpful tool for mom. Oma(her mom) has been there to help clean up paper and make Tomato soup, and she also has been mom too...It has been a while since Oma sent her daughter to bed, but she did the other day. Mom however needed the nap. Mom is learning where her boundries are for how much she can do, on Chemo rather quickly, and mom is taking the naps where they are needed and doing things to keep her busy as well. Mom said to me that she has moments where she would just rather not be the patient, and says it is very different being the patient verses being the nurse. I can say that she is taking it in stride though. This has been a very difficult journey, and it will continue to be, this is certianly testing communication skills, and our faith. I personally pray for all the things on mom's list, but I also pray a daughter's prayer. That our bond of blood and the relationship built on love will help carry us through, and so that we can grow even more close as the seasons of life change. A few months before mom started Chemo, I was telling friends just how important my mom was to me, this is certianly reaffirming that for me.
My mom is a treasure to me, a woman of strength, a child of God, and my mom, my best friend. I want to look at my mom and not see someone who is going through chemo Therapy, but a tower of God's strength and testiment. Every moment we have with those we love is a treasure, a true gift from God. May God richly bless you this day, with the love of those around you, and may you never take them forgranted!

Alida and mom and the Family.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Prayer Requests from Wilma VanHooft
Mom wanted to have some of her prayer requests put on the blog so I have copy and pasted this list for mom. Today mom began her treatment, and recieved a few drugs today, as well as Chemo treatments. She was feeling pretty tired and "drugged up", Oma was taking good care of her. It has been a tough day for me, I have been feeling the 3000km distance and it has been very hard, many a tear was shed today, wishing that I could just split into two halfs! Here is mom's requests!
Prayer Request from Wilma VanHooft
Don’t be anxious about anything but in everything by prayer petition:
In thanksgiving bring all your request to God.
So I am thankful (in no particular order):
-That each believer has been given all of the fruits of the spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, and self control.
-that each believer has the armor of God, the helmet of salvation, breastplate of righteousness; the sword as the spirit, the word of God, the shield of faith, the feet of truth.
-for all those who have been so willing to pray and help in so many ways.
-that I have received such incredible healing from the surgery.
-for my 3 children who I know without a doubt love me.
-for the medical team who are treating the cancer.
-for all my friends, for my family who have expressed how much they love and care for me, in many different ways.
-That God loves me more than I’ll ever know and He wants me to ask him for whatever I need.
Therefore along with me please pray:
Pray that -I would continue to be able to press into all of the comfort and promises of God at all times no matter how I feel.
Pray that -when I feel overwhelmed that I know He created everything and hold everything in His hands and promises to help me in the decisions to make.
-When I feel sad, that I know He is the great comforter and knows and understands like no other.
-when I feel angry He can handle it and will gladly take it from me when I am willing to hand it over to him.
-when I feel sick He can heal.
-when I feel like laughing he’s laughing along with me.
Pray that -the chemotherapy will kill all of the cancer cells that may be still in my body.
-pray for rapid repair of all the cells in my body damaged by the chemotherapy.
-pray that any fatigue would be easily managed so that I have enough energy to eat well and keep physically active to be able to exercise daily, even if it is just a short walk (exercise helps reduce side effects of chemo significantly).
-pray that I don’t lose any weight.
-pray that I can cope well with all the changes to how I look during the chemo treatments.
-pray that any fears or reservations I may have to ask for help, would be replaced with thankfulness that so many want to help and all I need to do is ask.
-pray that I would be protected from infections as the chemo affects my immunity.
-pray that I would pace myself and give myself the grace that I will probably not accomplish as much as maybe even a fraction of what I would love to do.
-pray that any problems with mouth sores would be healed quickly as this can be very painful and affect how well I can eat.
-pray that I don’t struggle with nausea and vomiting as I do get nauseated very easily.
-pray that I will remember all the tips and suggestions I have learned from the classes I have attended to help manage with the side effects of chemotherapy.
-pray that I may be able to sleep well during the night.
-pray that my memory and ability to concentrate would not be affected by the chemotherapy or all the other anxieties, and stresses, that can contribute to not being able to keep things straight in my mind.
-pray for my children: Alida & Tom (son-in-law), Aaron, Philip, Mom (Ina), Dad (Neil), Monique (sister) and her family, Eric (brother) and his family, John (brother) and his family.
-pray for each other that no one would be discouraged or feel despair because I have cancer or someone else they know has cancer or feel afraid to say or do the wrong thing.
-pray that all of us remember that in God grace, love, forgiveness, and care abound beyond measure.
Don’t be anxious about anything but in everything by prayer petition:
In thanksgiving bring all your request to God.
So I am thankful (in no particular order):
-That each believer has been given all of the fruits of the spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, and self control.
-that each believer has the armor of God, the helmet of salvation, breastplate of righteousness; the sword as the spirit, the word of God, the shield of faith, the feet of truth.
-for all those who have been so willing to pray and help in so many ways.
-that I have received such incredible healing from the surgery.
-for my 3 children who I know without a doubt love me.
-for the medical team who are treating the cancer.
-for all my friends, for my family who have expressed how much they love and care for me, in many different ways.
-That God loves me more than I’ll ever know and He wants me to ask him for whatever I need.
Therefore along with me please pray:
Pray that -I would continue to be able to press into all of the comfort and promises of God at all times no matter how I feel.
Pray that -when I feel overwhelmed that I know He created everything and hold everything in His hands and promises to help me in the decisions to make.
-When I feel sad, that I know He is the great comforter and knows and understands like no other.
-when I feel angry He can handle it and will gladly take it from me when I am willing to hand it over to him.
-when I feel sick He can heal.
-when I feel like laughing he’s laughing along with me.
Pray that -the chemotherapy will kill all of the cancer cells that may be still in my body.
-pray for rapid repair of all the cells in my body damaged by the chemotherapy.
-pray that any fatigue would be easily managed so that I have enough energy to eat well and keep physically active to be able to exercise daily, even if it is just a short walk (exercise helps reduce side effects of chemo significantly).
-pray that I don’t lose any weight.
-pray that I can cope well with all the changes to how I look during the chemo treatments.
-pray that any fears or reservations I may have to ask for help, would be replaced with thankfulness that so many want to help and all I need to do is ask.
-pray that I would be protected from infections as the chemo affects my immunity.
-pray that I would pace myself and give myself the grace that I will probably not accomplish as much as maybe even a fraction of what I would love to do.
-pray that any problems with mouth sores would be healed quickly as this can be very painful and affect how well I can eat.
-pray that I don’t struggle with nausea and vomiting as I do get nauseated very easily.
-pray that I will remember all the tips and suggestions I have learned from the classes I have attended to help manage with the side effects of chemotherapy.
-pray that I may be able to sleep well during the night.
-pray that my memory and ability to concentrate would not be affected by the chemotherapy or all the other anxieties, and stresses, that can contribute to not being able to keep things straight in my mind.
-pray for my children: Alida & Tom (son-in-law), Aaron, Philip, Mom (Ina), Dad (Neil), Monique (sister) and her family, Eric (brother) and his family, John (brother) and his family.
-pray for each other that no one would be discouraged or feel despair because I have cancer or someone else they know has cancer or feel afraid to say or do the wrong thing.
-pray that all of us remember that in God grace, love, forgiveness, and care abound beyond measure.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Getting things done...
So mom will start her Chemo this coming wednesday. In the mean time mom had to get some things done, before. Including going to the dentist. Mom went to the Dentist this week and found out that she had mulitiple fillings that needed to be redone, and she had a tooth that was really bothering her. She had an appointment at 10am, she at that point got all of her top teeth cleaned and fixed. Then she had to come back at 4pm to get the bottom one's filled, and cleaned. Once that was done, she was exhusted! Too much dentistry for one day, but better to have it done now, then later in case of infection while on Chemo therapy.
Mom this week got a wig, she says it looks much like her own hair and is glad that she has that available for her. She also is having a small shaving her head party on March 6th to have her head shaved, as she will be loosing her hair. She has decided to shave her head before all of her hair falls off.
This weekend mom is headed off the Kingsfold retreat center with a few wonderful ladies, she is very much looking forward to that. She also asks for prayer on handling the first round of Chemo therapy and that she will be feeling alright following it. Please pray for strength as this is a very scary time, chemo is so hard on the body and not one cell in the body is not touched by it.
This time is hard on mom, and the family and we all need the strength to be strength for mom as well.
God has been with us during this journey, and we know that he will continue to be with us.
Keep On Prayin!!!
Mom and the kids
Mom this week got a wig, she says it looks much like her own hair and is glad that she has that available for her. She also is having a small shaving her head party on March 6th to have her head shaved, as she will be loosing her hair. She has decided to shave her head before all of her hair falls off.
This weekend mom is headed off the Kingsfold retreat center with a few wonderful ladies, she is very much looking forward to that. She also asks for prayer on handling the first round of Chemo therapy and that she will be feeling alright following it. Please pray for strength as this is a very scary time, chemo is so hard on the body and not one cell in the body is not touched by it.
This time is hard on mom, and the family and we all need the strength to be strength for mom as well.
God has been with us during this journey, and we know that he will continue to be with us.
Keep On Prayin!!!
Mom and the kids
Saturday, February 7, 2009
I talked to my mom today and here is the latest update from her. I have not been as regular at blogging as Chemo Treatments are still pending. When mom begins treatment I will be blogging more again. Mom wanted me to let everyone know that she is having blood work and meeting with the doctors on Feb 17th. Feb 18th mom will begin her Chemo Therapy treatment, this is a one day thing, and then 3 weeks off, this will occur 4 times. Bringing Mom's treatments to end of April or so. Last week mom was extremely busy with doctors appointments, and a heart scan, as well as a dentist visit, this weekend mom is in Fort Saskatchewan with her sister Monique and family for a little r&r. Next weekend mom's brother John Debree is coming in From Webster New york to visit her, she is also go to the Kingsfold retreat center to prepare for the chemo treatments, mentally, spiritually and physically.
My brother Aaron has been home with mom, at night, and it makes me feel better that he is there. Mom has been really mulling through all the preparing that goes on in a person's heart, and soul while knowing that Chemo therapy is on it's way. She has had her share of bad days and good one's too. It is a scary road ahead, and the question "why me?" comes to mind, and anger, frustration, but so does faith, family, friends. Please continue to lift mom and our family in prayer, the journey continues and we need your support all the more right now.
I have learned that distance is a challenge when you realize the helplessness that you can offer physically. But I know that mom is in good hands and I know that she is support and not alone. Please pray for strength, endurance and trust. Mom will soon have a list of specific things that she would like to be prayed for, I will continue to keep that updated.
As spring gets closer, may our faith in our God become all the more stronger as we face uncertainty.
God Bless,
Mom and the kids
My brother Aaron has been home with mom, at night, and it makes me feel better that he is there. Mom has been really mulling through all the preparing that goes on in a person's heart, and soul while knowing that Chemo therapy is on it's way. She has had her share of bad days and good one's too. It is a scary road ahead, and the question "why me?" comes to mind, and anger, frustration, but so does faith, family, friends. Please continue to lift mom and our family in prayer, the journey continues and we need your support all the more right now.
I have learned that distance is a challenge when you realize the helplessness that you can offer physically. But I know that mom is in good hands and I know that she is support and not alone. Please pray for strength, endurance and trust. Mom will soon have a list of specific things that she would like to be prayed for, I will continue to keep that updated.
As spring gets closer, may our faith in our God become all the more stronger as we face uncertainty.
God Bless,
Mom and the kids
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