It has been a while since I have posted on this blog. But I thought I should give an update as to the happenings in Wilma's children's lives.
The Boys are doing alright. Philip is currently living with my Grandmother, and Aaron is currently working in Saskatchewan.
Oma continues to keep busy but misses my mom so much, and along with the rest of mom's siblings. They all continue to have very active lives and are healthy.
For Tori is turning 3 in 2 weeks and is growing like a weed. She continues to crack us up with the things she says. we have so much fun with her. Although I am going to say that the 3's are going to be worse then the 2's. She is challenging mommy so much more now, and has developed a bit of an attitude, but we will deal with it as it comes.
In Other News: Very EXCITING News. In January we are expecting the arrival of our miracle baby #2. This came as a surprise and was naturally conceived after 8 years of "trying" it happened, and we are now 16 weeks and 5 days along. :)
We are also hoping to build our house in the next few weeks and hopefully before baby #2 decides to arrive. We shall see how it goes.
Praying that everything falls into place!!!
Short and sweet little update.
Alida Kroesbergen
Wilma's Journey through the eyes of her Children
...But those who hope in the Lord will renew thier strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:31
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
A tribute.
Today I wanted to reflect on my beautiful mother Wilma Debree-Van Hooft.
I did not get to know my mom like some of you know her, I only knew her for 26 years, but in those 26 years I came to know a mother, who would do, and did do everything she could to give her children hope, Love, and a good life. My mom for many years of my life, worked odd shifts at the NICU in the Rockyview hospital to keep her nursing licence current, but for the most part she was at home raising us, and sewing and crafting, and going to Oma's house for least thats what I think she was doing while we were at school. I know that many of my dresses, and clothes she had sewn for us.
I remember a mom that had a temper every once in awhile, and I also remember that all she had to do was shake the jar with the wooden spoon and we would surrender our attitudes pretty quick. I also learned once that you never tell your mother to "f" off....BAD PLAN....especially in front of your dad....I have never forgotten that, and I never told my mom to "f" off again.
I also remember a mother who would give endless amount of hugs, mommy hugs were just a part of the day and as many as we could give she would give back. Home made lunches and always a smile when we walked in the door. I always felt so loved, but I was not always so great at returning that love. When I was 18 I remember a really hard time in my life, and I was not sure where God wanted me to go, or how I was suppose to get there, and my mother and I fought all the time, and I was not nice to her at all. I decided that I needed to save our relationship and I moved to Edmonton area for a year, and that was by far the best choice I could have made. It saved my relationship and made me realize just how much I loved my mom, and when I returned home our relationship had greatly improved.
When you are growing up, I did not spend much time thinking about what my mom was doing I was just living my simple everyday life, and she was the one that kept our house going and that was that. When I look back on that, my parents did everything they could to provide us kids with clothes on our backs and food in our belly's. We were never hungry, and we were never cold. My mom the brave soul gave homeschooling her very best, but with a testy teen, my mom had her hands full with me, and I longed to have "locker" of all the things, I wanted to go to highschool to have a locker. My mom was an excellent teacher and loved to teach. She had a gift for it too. We learned so much in those 2 years of homeschooling, things that most normal kids didn't get a chance to do...going out to the pond to collect water samples, and learning to sew skirts with my cousins. Which my mom taught us, and I loved it.
When I met Tom and was going to be going to Ontario for christmas, and I asked my mom what would you do if I came home with a ring on my finger and she said, well I guess we will be planning a wedding. Tom and I had only spent 10 days together, and only a few months talking on-line. She never once called me crazy, or said that it was a bad idea. Why you might ask...well my mom taught me to be careful, and careful I was...I had investigated who he was, and played touch bingo and I definatly found the "BINGO". Turns out at the international cadetaree in Kananskis I served my future hubby his speggitti dinner. She knew that would not just jump into something with out keeping my assets safe. When Tom and I got engaged after only those 10 days together, my mom was happy, and sad all at the same time, she knew that I would fly the coop permanently at some point but Ontario is a long way from Alberta. On the day that I moved to Ontario, I couldnt hug my mom enough, as we pulled out of the driveway I looked back and tears began to fill my eyes. Mom said that she went to move her car just after We drove away and the country song, "There goes my life" came on....a song about a father watching his daughter grow up, and when she moves away he sings, there goes my life. She sat in the car and cried.
For months after that, I called my mom most nights and missed her terribly, and she missed me. Our relationship began to change into friendship and I treasure this in my heart. through my many years of infertility mom, was that shoulder to cry on and the cheering squad too. When mom was diagnosed the Breast cancer, I bawled for days, I wanted to hug my mom so bad, and I wanted to jump on a plane that moment, and never leave her again. When a mastectomy was planned I got on a plane and left my hubby for 2 months to care for my mom, and it was so hard being away from my hubby but It was the best 2 months of my life. I have never spent that much time with my mom, as an adult, and I learned things about her that I had never known and I exposed to her some of my secrets that I had dreaded telling her for many years. One morning while I was there I had the spirit move me and tell me that I needed to tell my mom, that I had broken a promise to her in the prior years and We watched a Nooma video, called the The Ball. Get a it and you will understand the significance of what my mom said to me. Late that night, we were sitting in her car and I told her about the promise I broke and she says to me " there is nothing that you can do that would make me love you anyless....NOTHING". I began to cry, for years I had felt guilty and horrible that I had broken a promise to her. That was wiped clean, and from that moment on, there were no secrets between mother and daughter, and my mom and I bonded so much from that point on, I have never felt more at home in my life. Then I did in those 8 weeks with my mom. I asked my mom if she was scared, and she told me she was terrified, of the surgery, and of the future. My mom was in her room the day before the surgery, and I could hear her crying, and so I went in, even though she told me to stay out....when have I ever really listened when I know that she was needing a hug. So I marched in and I climbed on her bed and held her and cried too. After she had recovered from surgery I returned home to Ontario, and I cried the whole flight home. I knew that the come weeks would be so hard on mom as she was going through chemo and I longed to stay to care for her those months, but I also knew that my life in Ontario needed me too. She went through chemo and I talked to her as much as she could handle and some days after talking to her, and hearing just how tired and miserable the chemo had made her I spent many a night on my knee's in tears praying that the Chemo would work and kill the cancer cells. 1 year and bit later, on November 25, 2009, we found out that IVF was sucessful and I called my mom, and said are you ready to be a "Marmie" that is what she had originally wanted to be called and that later changed to Nana. But for 6 years my mom prayed every day who knows how many times a day that God would grant Tom and I a baby. That day was one of the best days of my life. When I got to tell both grandmothers that they were going to be the grammy and Nana that they had so desperatly wanted to be. Mom and I talked daily and I would tell her all about each doctor appointment and she would ask about the heart rate, and the size of the baby. I was on cloud 9, and so was Nana-to-be. On may 27 my mom phoned me and said, Alida I have been to the doctors and I am having some tests done, they found a tumor in my colon. On June 9,2010 after getting an ultrasound done because her blood work came back funny, we found out that she had a huge liver Tumor, and it had spread. The tumor in the Colon was also Huge. It was then that she was diagnosed with stage 4 terminal cancer. When she told me, she began to sob, and she said I am not ready to give up, I want to live, I can't give up. I was 7 months pregnant when we found out that she was dying of cancer. We were all devastated. On June 29ish, I flew to Calgary 36 weeks pregnant I got to Calgary and I went to my mom's house, and I walked in the door, and mom came flying around the corner and I got the biggest Hug of my life, one that I will never ever forget. I got to spend one week with my mom before I had to fly back to Ontario to have this baby. My mom got to see me pregnant, and feel the baby move and I can't describe her face. She was so thrilled and yet, so sad. She had told my auntie Monique that she was not sure if she would be able to meet this baby. In her journal that we found later she wrote, I hope I get to meet this little girl. We didn't know we were having a girl till after she was out. But my mom knew apparently. My mom was so frusterated by the fact that to be able afford to live she had to keep working, and she did not have medical coverage till 3 months of working at her new job. That took it right till after Tori was born. By then the cancer had spread to far. But she was so determined to fight. She headed to tulsa AK to get alternative treatments for cancer. DMSO treatment, and my mom is gone, but the cancer treatments were working. She developed an infection in her liver, because cancer cells were dying and not getting flushed out of her liver. The cancer had spread to far and had destroyed to much of the liver for it to recoop. My mom was so hopeful that God was going to heal her. We wanted to believe it, I really did. But I was watching her body shut down, and there was nothing that I could do, but know in my heart that she was loosing the battle. I wish there was a way to desribe what a cancer patient emotionally goes through when diagnosed with a terminal cancer. Her journal entries are spiratic but they are poinent. and you can see her battling in her mind, she knew she was dying but she was not ready to be defeated.
My mom's character was strong and humble. She had power to do anything she wanted to but she was very humble about it, and people enjoyed working with her, and doing bible studies with her, and she had a wonderful ability to lead, and nurture. She did so even with facing cancer, she was dying and she was comforting me. There are many things that I wish I had done different, but she said the same. It doesn't matter now. There is no point in thinking about wishing things to be different then what they were, because there is no rewind button. My mom fought vailantly and although she lost the battle to cancer, she has planted the seeds in so many hearts and left a hole in many hearts too, but she is someone that you won't easily forget.
She devoted much of her life to her children, but she also devoted much more to her Heavenly Father, she loved her God, and she wanted to learn more and lean so much more on Him in her life, and she never ceased to amaze me. She knew that the Creator had a plan for her, none of us know the outcome in the end, but he had a plan for her. Maybe someone out there, knows more then me as to why my mom is not here, but that is not for me to know now, perhaps. My mom is alive in my heart my heart beats because of her, and when I hear my heart beating I am reminded of her love and the Love of my heavenly father.
Now that I have written a book about my mom, here on the blog I shall sign out, and wish all those reading my blog, blessings to you, and may you come to know the Love of Christ more everyday!
Blessings and God's Love,
I did not get to know my mom like some of you know her, I only knew her for 26 years, but in those 26 years I came to know a mother, who would do, and did do everything she could to give her children hope, Love, and a good life. My mom for many years of my life, worked odd shifts at the NICU in the Rockyview hospital to keep her nursing licence current, but for the most part she was at home raising us, and sewing and crafting, and going to Oma's house for least thats what I think she was doing while we were at school. I know that many of my dresses, and clothes she had sewn for us.
I remember a mom that had a temper every once in awhile, and I also remember that all she had to do was shake the jar with the wooden spoon and we would surrender our attitudes pretty quick. I also learned once that you never tell your mother to "f" off....BAD PLAN....especially in front of your dad....I have never forgotten that, and I never told my mom to "f" off again.
I also remember a mother who would give endless amount of hugs, mommy hugs were just a part of the day and as many as we could give she would give back. Home made lunches and always a smile when we walked in the door. I always felt so loved, but I was not always so great at returning that love. When I was 18 I remember a really hard time in my life, and I was not sure where God wanted me to go, or how I was suppose to get there, and my mother and I fought all the time, and I was not nice to her at all. I decided that I needed to save our relationship and I moved to Edmonton area for a year, and that was by far the best choice I could have made. It saved my relationship and made me realize just how much I loved my mom, and when I returned home our relationship had greatly improved.
When you are growing up, I did not spend much time thinking about what my mom was doing I was just living my simple everyday life, and she was the one that kept our house going and that was that. When I look back on that, my parents did everything they could to provide us kids with clothes on our backs and food in our belly's. We were never hungry, and we were never cold. My mom the brave soul gave homeschooling her very best, but with a testy teen, my mom had her hands full with me, and I longed to have "locker" of all the things, I wanted to go to highschool to have a locker. My mom was an excellent teacher and loved to teach. She had a gift for it too. We learned so much in those 2 years of homeschooling, things that most normal kids didn't get a chance to do...going out to the pond to collect water samples, and learning to sew skirts with my cousins. Which my mom taught us, and I loved it.
When I met Tom and was going to be going to Ontario for christmas, and I asked my mom what would you do if I came home with a ring on my finger and she said, well I guess we will be planning a wedding. Tom and I had only spent 10 days together, and only a few months talking on-line. She never once called me crazy, or said that it was a bad idea. Why you might ask...well my mom taught me to be careful, and careful I was...I had investigated who he was, and played touch bingo and I definatly found the "BINGO". Turns out at the international cadetaree in Kananskis I served my future hubby his speggitti dinner. She knew that would not just jump into something with out keeping my assets safe. When Tom and I got engaged after only those 10 days together, my mom was happy, and sad all at the same time, she knew that I would fly the coop permanently at some point but Ontario is a long way from Alberta. On the day that I moved to Ontario, I couldnt hug my mom enough, as we pulled out of the driveway I looked back and tears began to fill my eyes. Mom said that she went to move her car just after We drove away and the country song, "There goes my life" came on....a song about a father watching his daughter grow up, and when she moves away he sings, there goes my life. She sat in the car and cried.
For months after that, I called my mom most nights and missed her terribly, and she missed me. Our relationship began to change into friendship and I treasure this in my heart. through my many years of infertility mom, was that shoulder to cry on and the cheering squad too. When mom was diagnosed the Breast cancer, I bawled for days, I wanted to hug my mom so bad, and I wanted to jump on a plane that moment, and never leave her again. When a mastectomy was planned I got on a plane and left my hubby for 2 months to care for my mom, and it was so hard being away from my hubby but It was the best 2 months of my life. I have never spent that much time with my mom, as an adult, and I learned things about her that I had never known and I exposed to her some of my secrets that I had dreaded telling her for many years. One morning while I was there I had the spirit move me and tell me that I needed to tell my mom, that I had broken a promise to her in the prior years and We watched a Nooma video, called the The Ball. Get a it and you will understand the significance of what my mom said to me. Late that night, we were sitting in her car and I told her about the promise I broke and she says to me " there is nothing that you can do that would make me love you anyless....NOTHING". I began to cry, for years I had felt guilty and horrible that I had broken a promise to her. That was wiped clean, and from that moment on, there were no secrets between mother and daughter, and my mom and I bonded so much from that point on, I have never felt more at home in my life. Then I did in those 8 weeks with my mom. I asked my mom if she was scared, and she told me she was terrified, of the surgery, and of the future. My mom was in her room the day before the surgery, and I could hear her crying, and so I went in, even though she told me to stay out....when have I ever really listened when I know that she was needing a hug. So I marched in and I climbed on her bed and held her and cried too. After she had recovered from surgery I returned home to Ontario, and I cried the whole flight home. I knew that the come weeks would be so hard on mom as she was going through chemo and I longed to stay to care for her those months, but I also knew that my life in Ontario needed me too. She went through chemo and I talked to her as much as she could handle and some days after talking to her, and hearing just how tired and miserable the chemo had made her I spent many a night on my knee's in tears praying that the Chemo would work and kill the cancer cells. 1 year and bit later, on November 25, 2009, we found out that IVF was sucessful and I called my mom, and said are you ready to be a "Marmie" that is what she had originally wanted to be called and that later changed to Nana. But for 6 years my mom prayed every day who knows how many times a day that God would grant Tom and I a baby. That day was one of the best days of my life. When I got to tell both grandmothers that they were going to be the grammy and Nana that they had so desperatly wanted to be. Mom and I talked daily and I would tell her all about each doctor appointment and she would ask about the heart rate, and the size of the baby. I was on cloud 9, and so was Nana-to-be. On may 27 my mom phoned me and said, Alida I have been to the doctors and I am having some tests done, they found a tumor in my colon. On June 9,2010 after getting an ultrasound done because her blood work came back funny, we found out that she had a huge liver Tumor, and it had spread. The tumor in the Colon was also Huge. It was then that she was diagnosed with stage 4 terminal cancer. When she told me, she began to sob, and she said I am not ready to give up, I want to live, I can't give up. I was 7 months pregnant when we found out that she was dying of cancer. We were all devastated. On June 29ish, I flew to Calgary 36 weeks pregnant I got to Calgary and I went to my mom's house, and I walked in the door, and mom came flying around the corner and I got the biggest Hug of my life, one that I will never ever forget. I got to spend one week with my mom before I had to fly back to Ontario to have this baby. My mom got to see me pregnant, and feel the baby move and I can't describe her face. She was so thrilled and yet, so sad. She had told my auntie Monique that she was not sure if she would be able to meet this baby. In her journal that we found later she wrote, I hope I get to meet this little girl. We didn't know we were having a girl till after she was out. But my mom knew apparently. My mom was so frusterated by the fact that to be able afford to live she had to keep working, and she did not have medical coverage till 3 months of working at her new job. That took it right till after Tori was born. By then the cancer had spread to far. But she was so determined to fight. She headed to tulsa AK to get alternative treatments for cancer. DMSO treatment, and my mom is gone, but the cancer treatments were working. She developed an infection in her liver, because cancer cells were dying and not getting flushed out of her liver. The cancer had spread to far and had destroyed to much of the liver for it to recoop. My mom was so hopeful that God was going to heal her. We wanted to believe it, I really did. But I was watching her body shut down, and there was nothing that I could do, but know in my heart that she was loosing the battle. I wish there was a way to desribe what a cancer patient emotionally goes through when diagnosed with a terminal cancer. Her journal entries are spiratic but they are poinent. and you can see her battling in her mind, she knew she was dying but she was not ready to be defeated.
My mom's character was strong and humble. She had power to do anything she wanted to but she was very humble about it, and people enjoyed working with her, and doing bible studies with her, and she had a wonderful ability to lead, and nurture. She did so even with facing cancer, she was dying and she was comforting me. There are many things that I wish I had done different, but she said the same. It doesn't matter now. There is no point in thinking about wishing things to be different then what they were, because there is no rewind button. My mom fought vailantly and although she lost the battle to cancer, she has planted the seeds in so many hearts and left a hole in many hearts too, but she is someone that you won't easily forget.
She devoted much of her life to her children, but she also devoted much more to her Heavenly Father, she loved her God, and she wanted to learn more and lean so much more on Him in her life, and she never ceased to amaze me. She knew that the Creator had a plan for her, none of us know the outcome in the end, but he had a plan for her. Maybe someone out there, knows more then me as to why my mom is not here, but that is not for me to know now, perhaps. My mom is alive in my heart my heart beats because of her, and when I hear my heart beating I am reminded of her love and the Love of my heavenly father.
Now that I have written a book about my mom, here on the blog I shall sign out, and wish all those reading my blog, blessings to you, and may you come to know the Love of Christ more everyday!
Blessings and God's Love,
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Its been two years.
Taken on June 1, 2012 |
Aaron and Philip keep plugging along and managing life as it comes, Philip graduated this fall from Calgary Christian School and is currently working for a construction company.
Aaron also still is a co-owner of a construction company, and "things are going". He has his furry companion Dakota to keep him company and give him a good old bear hug. Although Dakota has had some adventures this past year, as he has escaped his fence, when gates were left open, but that is a whole other story that for some certian individual that could be held as guilty, but I will leave that right here.
This year for Tom and I have had our share of heart aches and joy's. We began this year 2012 with the hope that would be be blessed with a second baby, but that however was lost when we lost 6 of our 7 embryo's that we had frozen. In 2010 we had done IVF and got our beautiful daughter, Victoria in August of 2010. We had frozen embryo's from that, but however our embryo's do not like thawing and died as a result. So we have embarked on our second journey of dealing with infertility once again. Our hearts continue to break every month that passes but we remain hopeful, that our dream of giving Tori a sibling will be reached.
However, we celebrated Tori's second Birthday and our 8th Wedding anniversary this August as well. We bought a trailer this summer and we did some camping and enjoying our time with our daughter. We are continually trying to seek God's will for our lives and our farm.
Hard to believe that it has been 2 years already, wow. The time seems to fly by and I wondered where the heck it went. So many times during the last 2 years I have caught myself so desperatly wanted that mommy hug, and that word of encouragement. What we all miss most is her presence.
![]() |
Tori giving Oma Debree and snuggle |
I have learned alot in the last 2 can be a bitch sometimes. I am not going to mince words, the truth is, that loosing someone like my mom to cancer, which seems so pointless and just robs people of life and happiness
two.............Life can be wonderful too. In those two years I have watched my daughter grow, develope and love life. She loves to giggle and is going to be creative just like her mommy and Nana. I have watched my brothers grow into men, they have thier struggles, but they are both wonderful Men. My mom can be proud of them.
My mom's love of life was contagious, and knowing that I need to keep on going for her, myself and my family some how keeps me going. I know that I will never stop missing her, there is just no way that can happen, but what I can do is Try to start loving life again. For a lot of the last two years, I have not loved life, I have been frustrated and sad, with just circumstances with life, and I don't think I am alone in those thoughts. Feelings of Loneliness and grief at times seem over whelming. But we must focus on Hope, Love and Faith. Faith can move mountians. Love can bring A smile, and Hope can renew the broken. My mom wanted to live, but now she really is living. Living with out Cancer, living with out fear, tears or unknowns. She chose to live in Christ, and because of that Death is conquered. Mom lost the battle against cancer, but 2 years later she stands in Victory in the Arms of Jesus, her Lord and Saviour.
Victoria Smelling the flowers |
Celebrate my mom's life, and cry the tears of loss, it's ok. We are allowed to miss her, we are allowed to wish once in while that she was still here. But she dwells in the house of the Lord Forever! One day I will see that glowing red hair again, and that larger than life smile. As Dorothy once said, she is golden....You Bet she is!!! Perfectly Golden!!
In The Love of Christ,
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Well This week will mark 2 years since mom was diagnosed with Terminal Colon and Liver Cancer.
I must stress to those who still read the blog...To get your Behinds Checked out every year!!! It can be as simple as a Blood test or Colonoscopy, or a fecal test sounds gross ....So is Dying of Cancer!!!!
Don't wait till its to late, I know My mom would be Stressing she waited WAY TO LONG to have it checked out. You see prior to her diagnoses even of Breast cancer my mom had many warning signs, which she ignored or got to busy to remember to book a doctors appointment.
I BEG YOU FOR THE SAKE OF THOSE WHO LOVE YOU AND THOSE YOU LOVE< BOOK a Physical with your family Doc, and ask to have a colon test done and if you are Female a Breast exam as well. Because my mom had Breast cancer and later died of Colon cancer, I get to under go a mammagram and colonscopy, when I get to 30 unless I present any symthoms before that. Which I Hope and Pray I Never have to deal with that devastating news again, in our family.
To me, the cost of not doing it, it to great to even fathom. What will it cost you?? Colon Cancer if caught in the early stages is very easy to treat. Please PLEASE PLEASE!! Do the World around you a favor... Get checked every year!!!!! Especially those 40 years and older!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Our family lost two loved ones to Colon Cancer, My mom's uncle also died of Colon cancer. Don't let your life get cut short too!
But seriously....Book your physical TODAY!!
I must stress to those who still read the blog...To get your Behinds Checked out every year!!! It can be as simple as a Blood test or Colonoscopy, or a fecal test sounds gross ....So is Dying of Cancer!!!!
Don't wait till its to late, I know My mom would be Stressing she waited WAY TO LONG to have it checked out. You see prior to her diagnoses even of Breast cancer my mom had many warning signs, which she ignored or got to busy to remember to book a doctors appointment.
I BEG YOU FOR THE SAKE OF THOSE WHO LOVE YOU AND THOSE YOU LOVE< BOOK a Physical with your family Doc, and ask to have a colon test done and if you are Female a Breast exam as well. Because my mom had Breast cancer and later died of Colon cancer, I get to under go a mammagram and colonscopy, when I get to 30 unless I present any symthoms before that. Which I Hope and Pray I Never have to deal with that devastating news again, in our family.
To me, the cost of not doing it, it to great to even fathom. What will it cost you?? Colon Cancer if caught in the early stages is very easy to treat. Please PLEASE PLEASE!! Do the World around you a favor... Get checked every year!!!!! Especially those 40 years and older!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Our family lost two loved ones to Colon Cancer, My mom's uncle also died of Colon cancer. Don't let your life get cut short too!
But seriously....Book your physical TODAY!!
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
We will Remember Wilma Cynthia DeBree
My Mom would have been 50 on this June 1, 2012. Her legacy and Love lives on however in her family and friends. I can't say that I will not be sad on Friday, but what I can say is this, I want to remember my mom before she got sick, the joyful and True Mom, that I will always treasure. God gave mom 48 years of life, and she went through many great challenges in her life time, but God was faithful. I hope that Angels and her have an amazing party in the Heavens. We are going camping in Honour of my mom, and I am also going to be wearing her favorite Color, Ocean Blue, the color you see in Pictures of the ocean in the tropics. Turquoise Blue, I think they call it, on her Birthday!
A good chunk of my mom's friends are all turning 50 this year. I just wish my mom could have been one of them too!!
My mom would want us to be thankful for the life that she did have so that is what I will celebrating on June 1. I will celebrate the life that she had, and life that she gave to her Children, and the hope that she gave to so many in her struggle with cancer. She Chose life.
I am sending out a request to anyone still reading this blog, to keep on Truckin!! To Chose Life.
Live Well, Laugh often as you can, and Love with everything you are!!!
Remember my mom, but remember what really matters in this life, and Live Life!!!!!
Every birthday to my mom was special, some treat a birthday like just another day but my mom did not, each birthday was so special. It was a reminder of God's faithfulness, and his love.
If anything I learned since loosing my mom, is that life is precious, each day, each moment is a gift.
Gods Blessings to You!!
With Love in Christ,
A good chunk of my mom's friends are all turning 50 this year. I just wish my mom could have been one of them too!!
My mom would want us to be thankful for the life that she did have so that is what I will celebrating on June 1. I will celebrate the life that she had, and life that she gave to her Children, and the hope that she gave to so many in her struggle with cancer. She Chose life.
I am sending out a request to anyone still reading this blog, to keep on Truckin!! To Chose Life.
Live Well, Laugh often as you can, and Love with everything you are!!!
Remember my mom, but remember what really matters in this life, and Live Life!!!!!
Every birthday to my mom was special, some treat a birthday like just another day but my mom did not, each birthday was so special. It was a reminder of God's faithfulness, and his love.
If anything I learned since loosing my mom, is that life is precious, each day, each moment is a gift.
Gods Blessings to You!!
With Love in Christ,
Friday, January 27, 2012
Double blogging

So I have not written on this blog in awhile, because I have 2 blogs going, one for my personal family life and one for the memory of my mom, I will try to continue to write updates on here of our family happenings.
Aaron ( my Brother) and Family Friend Dave Rysebol( Don't think I spelt that right) have started a Contracting business, that is starting to take off, this is a huge accomplishment for Aaron and we are all very proud of him and Dave. Philip is in Grade 12, and is struggling a bit, but is in a band, and is having a great time doing that, arranging garage concerts, and jamin with the peeps. It has been a tough year for Phil has he is getting the itch to quit bug that most grade 12 boys get. They know they can make some money and so school does not seem that important. However we are encouraging him to stay as much as Me and Aaron can.
Other Family Updates:
Oma and Opa are doing well, and have been up and doing some travelling again, they were in NY with John and Joanne for Christmas. Health wise they are holding up fairly well, oma has had some finger troubles, but over the whole, they are good and healthy.
As time goes on, the longing to hear my mom's voice again, never goes away. I miss her long distance company, and support.
If you are reading this blog and have some stories or things that you would like to share about my mom, with my brothers and our family please e-mail them to:
We would love to hear anything thing and everything you have to share, I would like to put a book together for Victoria or other grandchildren that she will never meet on this earth, of who my mom was to us, and her family and friends.
Thanks and God Bless,
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Reached and Passed One Year
It has been just over a year since my mom breathed her last breath on this earth. My brothers and myself a took a break from reality for a day and the boys went scouting in the foothills and Tom and I went to Niagara Falls. My Oma and Opa were at my mom's grave side at the same time that one year earlier mom had left us. My oma spends lots of time at my mom's grave, making it pretty with flowers or a wreath. I think it is that motherly thing that no mom can ever get rid of nor should she ever. I am truly thankful that she does that, because if she didn't I don't know who would, because I am not there, to help. I think it helps her heal to, knowing that my mom is still cared for always. In that one year since we lost mom, we faced our first thanksgiving, which us kids had pizzahut, and sat among mom's stuff. As soon as that was done, we got back to packing...we were not in a very thankful mood. We faced our first Christmas, which was the hardest one in a while. We faced our birthdays, and milestones wishing that she was here to be a part of it. We spend lots of time missing her, wanting her presence back. We have all struggled, cried, laughed and wondered why? But over all, we have pressed forward because we have to, mom would want us to. one day at a time.
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